Text of President Bush's RNC SpeechAP
For those of you that could not catch the RNC this evening, or prefer to read the President's speech without the 117 interuptions of applause and shouts of " 4 more years", The AP has provided the full transcript here :

(AP) - Text of President Bush's RNC Speech: "Mr. Chairman, delegates, fellow citizens: I am honored by your support, and I accept your nomination for President of the United States." More ...The ZZ Portal will follow up tommorow with after convention reactions in the media around the world. CNN however wasted no time this evening in having the DNC spin doctor on the air during their coverage before the balloons had barely hit the convention floor! His comments were not worth repeating here. More reaction and world opinion to be reported later in the day as stories break. - zzb
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2004/09/text-of-president-bushs-rnc-speechap.html |

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