U.S. Media - Tilting at Windmills
DRUDGE REPORT FLASH 2004?: "The biggest challenges to the authenticity of the documents featured in the 60 MINUTES segment on President Bush's Texas National Guard service are answered in a report to be broadcast on the CBS EVENING NEWS tonight (6:30-7:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.While mainstream media argue over validity of documents on Bush's records and Kerry's medals, tommorow will be the 3 year anniversary of 911. Now, in this century, an evil force is spreading through the world. The American people deserve more from the main street media than to steer the national discussion to personal events that have taken place more than 30 years ago in two young lives. What are these candidates DOING AND SAYING TODAY? More importantly, what decisions are they likely to make TOMORROW?!! The U.S. electorate deserves better than a biased media feeding frenzy every four years searching for tidbits that they believe the American people will find "juicy". - zzb...the American people deserve more from the main street media than to steer the national discussion to personal events that have taken place more than 30 years ago...
The report states that the type style, typewriter and the superscript function critics claim did not exist at the time the memos from President Bush's former Texas National Guard commander were typed were indeed all available. In fact, similar raised 'th' superscripts have been found on other National Guard documents the White House has released from the president's file.
Furthermore, Marcel Mately, the document and handwriting expert used to authenticate the documents for CBS News and 60 MINUTES, asserts that copies of the memos critics are examining have been degraded by reproduction though photocopying, computer scanning and faxing and are not reliable representations of the memos. " (CBS News Transcripts / Drudge)
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2004/09/us-media-tilting-at-windmills.html |

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