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Sunday, May 01, 2005

Brits Increase Security For Election

From Jihad Watch "And while Britain tries to head off a large-scale attack, British Muslims launch a huge initiative -- against jihadist elements within their community? Nope -- against anti-terror measures. From the Telegraph, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

Police are to launch the biggest security operation ever for a British election in an attempt to prevent Islamic extremists from undertaking a terrorist attack this week. Senior officers are convinced that Osama bin Laden and groups linked to al-Qa'eda are still trying to launch a 'spectacular' terrorist attack to destabilise the country in the run-up to the poll on Thursday, despite 100 arrests over the past year.

MI5, the security service, and Scotland Yard believe that the Houses of Parliament, polling stations and senior politicians casting their votes in their constituencies are the biggest targets for terrorists.

Security analysts also believe that Islamic terrorists have been scouting railway lines in an attempt to conduct bombing attacks similar to those in Spain last year, atrocities that are widely believed to have influenced the election result. Terrorists left 190 dead and 1,800 injured when they detonated 10 bombs in Madrid during the morning rush hour." More...

by ZZ Staff | 5/01/2005 11:45:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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