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Monday, May 02, 2005

Smoking and Gunpowder Don't Mix

(Kabul) "The explosion was in the village of Bajgah, near the town of Khenjan, some 120km (80 miles) north of Kabul.

An interior ministry spokesman said the whole area around the munitions dump had been destroyed.

He said the dump belonged to a former militia commander who said he had disarmed under a government scheme.

The spokesman, Lutfallah Mashal, said most of the injured had been evacuated but that casualties were expected to rise." More...
A few less potential insurgents and a few less weapons and munitions to fall inot the wrong hands. Wonder if that was the Camel brand he was smoking... ?

by ZZ Staff | 5/02/2005 12:33:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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