"Gitmo Study Sparks Arab Probe of Bible Abuse by Scott Ott
(2005-06-04) -- Friday's release of a Pentagon study on mishandling of the Koran at Guantanamo Bay detention center has sparked Saudi Arabia's leader to call for similar probes of Bible handling in detention facilities throughout the Muslim world.
Since May, the Pentagon has examined thousands of pages of documentation, finding five confirmed cases of Koran mishandling by U.S. personnel, and 15 cases in which Muslim prisoners desecrated their own complimentary copies of the book that they had received from the U.S. government. The Pentagon has distributed some 1,600 taxpayer-funded copies of the Muslim Holy Book to suspected terrorists detained at Gitmo.
Saudi leader King Fahd today, called on his fellow monarchs and dictators throughout the Arab world to complete a full review of any complaints about mishandling of holy scriptures which Muslim governments have distributed to their Christian and Jewish prisoners.
'I feel confident that this probe will reveal no cases of Muslim or Arab guards abusing Bibles issued by Muslim governments,' said the King. 'But in the spirit of respect for religious freedom and pluralism, we will examine our own policies and procedures and make a full, public report within 30 days.'" -- Scott Ott / ScrappleFace (Satire)
Do you think for a minute the parody above might ever happen in reality? Mullahs investigating the desecration of the Bible or the Torah? Do you think the passage, "In the spirit of respect for religious freedom and pluralism" will ever exist within a religious-geopolitical movement that condones beheadings, murder and terrorism? Why the U.S. effort of bending over backwards not to "insult", while the enemy stands cowardly behind this book and it's teachings to justify it's cowardly acts? Oh sorry, I forgot, we are winning the hearts and minds of Islam. That's why we investigate, expose and prosecute. Why don't we see the mullahs attempting to win the hearts and minds of Christians and Jews? Nothing like the U.S. and the rest of the World being held to a higher standard and then having that standard exploited by the enemy through the stupidity of our mass media. Wake up World!!
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