Islam Now Attacks Valentine's Day!
Just when you may have thought you have seen it all, now look again and see just how INSANE and INTOLERANT this so called religion of peace is! Will we see the destruction of the offices of Hallmark Cards and Whitman's Candies next week???
[Hat tip: Michelle Malkin]
One of Michelle's readers sums it up best...
[Hat tip: Michelle Malkin]
Michelle Malkin: NEXT, THEY CAME FOR VALENTINE'S DAY: " Caption - An activist of the radical Kashmiri Islamic group, Dukhtaran-e-Millat, or daughters of the community, burns a Valentine card outside a card store in central Srinagar, India, Friday, Feb. 10, 2006. Nearly two dozen black-veiled Muslim women burned Valentine's Day cards and posters showing couples together in the main city of India's Kashmir protesting the day that they say imposes Western values on Muslim youth. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin)
AP reports:
'We will not let anyone sell these cards or celebrate Valentine's Day,' said Asiya Andrabi, the group's leader, as she held a burning poster in her hand. 'These Western gimmicks are corrupting our kids and taking them away from their roots.'
She said that the raids were carried out 'not to harm anyone but to make them realize that this is against Islam's teachings.'
Can you say 'Dhimmitude?'" More...
One of Michelle's readers sums it up best...
Look at the language used by these fanatics: "we will not let," "make them," "against Islam's teachings." It is about intimidation, force, confirmity, subjugation, in other words, dhimmitude.
If anything is against Islam's teachings, then no one is allowed to participate in the activity. -- Kim Priestap
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