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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Reporters Violated Bush Privacy Rights

Satire that is not so satirical....

"— Democrats in Congress called for an investigation today of journalists who secretly eavesdropped on President George Bush when his microphone was accidentally left on during a private conversation with Republican lawmakers Friday.

The president had just spoken to reporters at a House Republican Caucus retreat in Maryland, before sending them out of the room so he could confer privately with GOP colleagues about the legality of the secret NSA wiretaps of terror suspects which he authorized. But the audio feed to the White House press room remained on and journalists heard the president saying in private the same things he often says in public.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, called for a Justice Department probe of the incident.

“These journalists listened in on a private conversation among American citizens without a warrant and without any kind of accountability or oversight,” Rep. Pelosi said. “They could have jumped up and turned off the audio, or left the room, but instead they violated the right to privacy which forms the Constitutional basis for our most precious freedoms.”

The California Democrat said “this irresponsible, and possibly criminal, act has revealed something that we have tried for years to keep secret — that the president says what he means in public and in private.”

“This breach of privacy threatens the security of many in the homeland,” she added. “Especially those of us whose legislative careers depend on fostering doubts about the president’s honesty.” -- Scott Ott / ScrappleFace

There is no doubt that the President is concerned about the safety of the American people. The real question for Americans is, to what extent are you willing to make tradeoffs to ensure that safety ?? What are YOUR thoughts?

by ZZ Staff | 2/11/2006 10:34:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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