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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Iran Threatens US With 'Harm and Pain'

(TEHRAN) "Iran fears the blind, toothless United Nations so much that today an Iranian delegation (LGF) threatened the United States in a meeting of the IAEA.

“The United States has the power to cause harm and pain,” said a statement delivered by the Iranian delegation. “But the United States is also susceptible to harm and pain. So if that is the path that the U.S. wishes to choose, let the ball roll.”" ....

Burns told the House International Relations Committee that U.S. officials expect the Security Council to consider a statement of condemnation against Iran. He said, however, that the Bush administration would like to go "beyond that to entertain the possibility of a resolution to isolate and hopefully influence (Iran's) behavior."

If Iran does not respond to words and resolutions, "then we believe that the world community should entertain the possibility of sanctions against Iran," Burns said.

ElBaradei's report accused Iran of withholding information, possessing plans linked to nuclear weapons and refusing to freeze uranium enrichment — a possible pathway to nuclear arms.

In comments to the IAEA board meeting, Gregory Schulte, the U.S. delegate to the agency, said the 85 tons of feedstock uranium gas already produced by Iran "if enriched, could produce enough material for about 10 nuclear weapons."

by ZZ Staff | 3/08/2006 05:45:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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