Nasrallah Vows to Strike Central Israel
We suspect that any ceasfire brokered by Condi Rice, or anyone else for that matter, will last no longer than the time the North Koreans spent mulling over the last U.N. Security Council resolution. Al-jazeera gives it's perspective on Hezboula leader Sheik Nasrallah today out on their website slanted toward western readers.
Aljazeera.Net - Defiant Nasrallah vows more strikes:
Aljazeera.Net - Defiant Nasrallah vows more strikes:
Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, has vowed to rain down more rockets on Israel and said that Condoleeza Rice's visit to the region aimed to "impose conditions that serve Israel".
"Many cities in the centre (of Israel) will be targeted beyond Haifa if the savage aggression continues on our country, people and villages," said the leader of the Shia armed group in a televised speech on Saturday.
The threat came after Hezbollah's rockets reached the Israeli city of Afula, 50 kilometres south of the border earlier on Saturday - the deepest strike into Israel since the conflict began 18 days ago.
"The bombardment of Afula and its military base is the beginning," Nasrallah said an address broadcast on Hezbollah's satellite channel Al-Manar. More...
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