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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Seattle Attacker Worked at Hanford Nuclear Facility

Hope the Seattle residents will be able to sleep tonight. Notice how the press is spinning this incident as the act of a crazed maniac and not associating it at all with the war between religions? Seattle won't need Starbucks to keep awake at night knowing that "...Shehadeb said he and Haq’s father, Mian Haq, both work at the Hanford nuclear reservation, as do many members of the area’s Muslim community..."

lgf: Seattle Attacker Worked at Hanford Nuclear Facility: "Tossed off at the end of this Associated Press story on the Islamic terrorist attack in Seattle is a little tidbit of disturbing information. (Hat tip: dlc.)
Yousef Shehadeb, 46, a member of the Islamic Center of the Tri-Cities, recalled Haq as quiet and something of a loner. Shehadeb said he and Haq’s father, Mian Haq, both work at the Hanford nuclear reservation, as do many members of the area’s Muslim community.

Hanford Nuclear Reservation is the largest nuclear waste dump in the Western Hemisphere.

Pleasant dreams." --- [Hat tip: lgf]

by ZZ Staff | 7/29/2006 07:37:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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