A Tribute to "Smart Man" John Kerry.
Scott Ott has wasted no time in assembling a thought provoking montage of "Smart Man" John Kerry (sorry Howard Stern, but we could not resist). The video clips appear to be compiled in tribute to one of the great deep thinkers of our time. A salute if you will to his inspiring instinct, intellect and impeccable timing always measured and calculated to obtain maximum political effect. Courtesy of ScrappleFace --
When someone now says, "So just how smart are you?" after viewing this video clip you you'll be able to say with pride...
Political satirists can always count on John Kerry for some added comic relief during any election season. By the way, speaking of comic relief, where on earth is Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich and Al Sharpton? Come on guys... we miss you!!
When someone now says, "So just how smart are you?" after viewing this video clip you you'll be able to say with pride...
Political satirists can always count on John Kerry for some added comic relief during any election season. By the way, speaking of comic relief, where on earth is Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich and Al Sharpton? Come on guys... we miss you!!
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2006/10/tribute-to-smart-man-john-kerry.html |

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