Democrats Produce Non-Binding Non-Vote
(2007-02-18) — Moments after Republicans in the senate blocked a Democrat attempt to vote on a non-binding resolution expressing disapproval of a U.S. troop surge in Iraq, Majority Leader Harry Reid hailed the non-vote as “perhaps the greatest Democrat military accomplishment of the past 40 years.”“History will celebrate the moment that our brave new Democrat majority forced an unsuccessful cloture vote on the filibuster of a measure that would have symbolically ended the troop surge,” said Sen. Reid. “And in November 2008, when Americans go to the polls, they’ll ask themselves ‘Who stood up for our freedom to express displeasure and very nearly secured it?’.”
Sen. Reid devoted 20 or 30 seconds to recounting in detail the great moments in Democrat military policy during the past four decades, then said, “I predict that years from now, a history book or pamphlet will be written about this act of heroism on a Saturday afternoon, when a few bold individuals sacrificed their golf games to answer the call of duty and very nearly voted on a measure that would have virtually turned the tide in this war.”
The Nevada senator added that the lack of a vote on the non-binding resolution would “serve as a great encouragement to U.S. troops overseas.”
“By almost showing the Senate’s disapproval of Bush’s plan to send 21,500 more troops,” he said, “we demonstrated our desire to protect our men and women in Iraq from the overcrowding on their bases and in their barracks that the president’s plan will surely cause.” -- as reported by satirist Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
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