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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Blogcritics Comment Priceless

You have to give credit where credit is due. While reviewing an article by Diana Hartman over at Blogcritics Satire: Bush to Invade Iran we came across one of the best comments we have seen yet in 2007. The following was written in response to a satirical piece about Bush's incessant war ambitions by article author Ms. Hartman... Priceless comment!!

There was a boy president who wanted to be known as someone who won great military victories. He believed that only war presidents would be known as great. So he sent his troops halfway around the world to attack a foreign country that he knew nothing about except that its leader also attacked other countries to be remembered as great. To do this, the boy president cried out, "WMD, WMD" and most listened. This pleased the boy president so much that later he tried the same trick and threatened to attack another foreign county (Iran), and the boy president again cried out, "WMD, WMD." But this time, having been fooled before, most of the country thought the boy president was lying and only his fellow-travelers believed him. The result was the country made a good meal of the boy president's congressional majority, and the boy president had to be satisfied with not being called great, and possibly being called the worst. --- Hat Tip: MBD Comment on Blogcritics [photo added by ZZN&S]
Do you have anything more you can add to this? We suspect that in "the end" (a scary thought) history will be the final judge of this President's legacy. The victor in the end always gets to write the history books...

by ZZ Staff | 2/14/2007 07:19:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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