Pelosi: High Troop Morale Logical Cause of Failure
Scott Ott takes his latest shot at Nancy Pelosi conclusions as to why the Iraqi War is going badly for the Administration. Given this logic, it's clear that something must be done to reduce the morale of the troops further thus ensuring victory. Congress is busy working on such a victory plan.
(2007-02-07) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, said today that the war in Iraq has become an unwinnable quagmire largely due to high U.S. troop morale in the theater of operations, which is why, she said, that the House should approve a non-binding resolution opposing the president’s troop surge plan.
“When I was in Iraq recently, I met the brave men and women of our fighting force,” said Rep. Pelosi. “Their spirits were high, their resolve was firm. They believe in the righteousness of their cause and know that Americans back home love and support them. Their high morale was so consistent across the board that it’s the only logical explanation for our poor performance in Iraq.”
That’s why, said the Speaker, that the best way to “turn things around and getting them heading in the other direction is to deal with the unreasonably elevated esprit de corps of our troops.”
Today’s remarks were Rep. Pelosi’s first full explanation of her party’s push to approve an anti-surge resolution.
“It’s the confidence and commitment of our military that’s getting us in deeper trouble,” she said. “The non-binding resolution addresses that, without forcing any lawmaker to do something rash, like vote his conscience.” -- as reported by satirist Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
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