A Candid Review of Suicide Girls
If you think this material is too over the top after reading the article at his site, we would love to hear your reasons why here after you leave some comments there. Personally it is far from over the top in our estimation. Kevin (kp2575) and Kristen Ferrel, whom he cites, both, in our opinion, make some excellent observations regarding the almost cultishness of the SG movement. SG is now a business and some of the SG wannabes are naive about what they are setting themselves up for later in life. But then again, maybe that's the Suicide part of being an Suicide Girl?The other day I took a shot at the Suicide Girls in my blog about tattoos and got a few messages about it, nothing huge. I was kind of hoping for more so it would set me up for this blog but it didn’t happen that way. First I want to say this was inspired partially by a blog written by Kristen Ferrell,who by the way is an amazing artist you should check out, she has a ton of talent. She talked about the exploitative porn machine is that is the Suicide Girls but I will touch on that only a bit here.
Before I explain how the Suicide Girl trend irritates the everliving shit out of me, I want to take a second to discuss something positive about it because I don’t want them to get lost in my overall opinion.
The Good Thing About the Suicide GirlsThe models show us there is more to the concept of beauty than the traditional idea of beauty. Some of the girls on the site are truly beautiful and I think when some of the people see them it makes them reconsider what they think true beauty is. Plus they give me something to flog the bishop to when I am sick of looking at the regular stuff, it’s nice to see a girl tied up with “super freak” tattooed above her ass crack. Also the whole neo-pinup thing isn’t exactly a bad movement. READ MORE FROM kp2575
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2007/03/candid-review-of-suicide-girls.html |

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