There’s Just One America Now
We often share with you the works of Scott Ott, a very talented satirist who publishes at ScrappleFace. Scott, to be sure, leans to the right in his political thought. We try to present some satirical balance at this site, so from time to time we will cite his work to provide that balance. Today we saw this piece and felt compelled to share it with you. NO it's not his usual SATIRE. It comes from his heart and reflects what we suspect many people regardless of political affiliation are feeling regarding what the Edwards are facing. Well done Scott!
(2007-03-22) — President George Bush made the following remarks upon hearing the news that Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democrat presidential candidate, John Edwards, has cancer again in a treatable, but not curable, form.
While campaigning for president in 2004, John Edwards’ favorite stump speech focused on the things that divide us as a country. “There are two Americas, not one,” Sen. Edwards used to say.
Today, on behalf of my fellow Americans, let me say this to John and Elizabeth Edwards: There’s just one America now.
There’s one America that trembles at the word ‘cancer’, and gazes into the eyes of Elizabeth Edwards to marvel at her courage.
There’s one America that aches with the pain of a husband who longs to fix the problem that’s hurting his wife, but finds himself inadequate to the task, desperate for solutions, wishing he could bear the tumor himself and spare his beautiful bride.
There’s one America that steps reverently at the threshold of eternity whenever we hear such a diagnosis — one America that wonders “what would I do…what will I do…when I awake one day to find myself defined by disease?”
Cancer itself sees but one America.
Black or white, believer or atheist, Democrat or Republican — we all walk on feet of clay upon the dust from which we came and to which, one day, our mortal bodies shall return.
The wealth of the rich man avails him little in the face of such an adversary. He and the poor man stand on level ground in one America. The life that once stretched out before them is compressed into a moment. The horizon rushes up and the future fades in a fog.
For you today, there’s one America that pauses to weep or takes a knee to pray.
There’s one America that casts off the red and blue uniforms of the games we play in public to join your team as you struggle in private.
There’s one America that calls on Divine Providence to intervene on your behalf.
And across this land, in every village and on almost every city block there’s at least one American anonymously sharing this portion of life’s trouble with you right now. Your public prominence means you will continue to inspire others, but you are not a poster child, nor super human. You have no obligation to us to act a certain way.
Elizabeth and John, may you find strength for the journey, faith from above, grace to endure, fellowship among those who share the burden and unstinting love from all of us.
My brother and sister, there’s just one America now…and we’re praying for you.
May God bless you. -- Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
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