Hamas TV Glorifies Family Suicide
(Not Satire) Last week LGF featured a clip from Hamas TV, showing an interview with the children of a female suicide bomber, who talked about their wish to follow in their mother’s footsteps: Death Cult Family Moments from Hamas TV.
Now Palestinian Media Watch has more from Hamas TV; the terror gang with whom George Soros wants the US to “negotiate” has produced a short film showing the daughter of murderer Reem Riyashi singing to her dead mother as she arms herself with explosives. Pure unmitigated evil. --- Hat Tip: LGF
Editorial: There is nothing more vile and evil than to twist the mind of an innocent child to embrace hatred, murder and terror as a noble act. The liberal left should be the first to agree with this. Make love not war. Radical left lunatics please don't make the equivalence to the War in Iraq as justification for this level of barbarism and evil. Recently "insurgents" in Irag (better known as terrorists outside of main stream media) used children in the back seat of cars to decoy and were "sacrificed" to "allah" (small case on purpose) in order to get their car bomb closer to their target. Child exploitation is growing as a strategy in their evil minds. This video is clear evidence of this.
Civilized nations of the world (that includes moderate Arab nations) must STOP giving aid and support to Hamas and organizations sympathetic to Hamas if the leaders of those nations have any shred of decency left in their bodies. That includes any aid from the U.S. under the guise of "humanitarian aid", officially or unofficially through private funds or public!! I shudder to think that one cent of my tax dollar this March in any way, shape, or form, is sent to Palestine as "humanitarian aid" and ends up financing the corruption of innocent children like this. This video is a clear manifestation of the evil that is Hamas.. --- ed.
Now Palestinian Media Watch has more from Hamas TV; the terror gang with whom George Soros wants the US to “negotiate” has produced a short film showing the daughter of murderer Reem Riyashi singing to her dead mother as she arms herself with explosives. Pure unmitigated evil. --- Hat Tip: LGF
Editorial: There is nothing more vile and evil than to twist the mind of an innocent child to embrace hatred, murder and terror as a noble act. The liberal left should be the first to agree with this. Make love not war. Radical left lunatics please don't make the equivalence to the War in Iraq as justification for this level of barbarism and evil. Recently "insurgents" in Irag (better known as terrorists outside of main stream media) used children in the back seat of cars to decoy and were "sacrificed" to "allah" (small case on purpose) in order to get their car bomb closer to their target. Child exploitation is growing as a strategy in their evil minds. This video is clear evidence of this.
Civilized nations of the world (that includes moderate Arab nations) must STOP giving aid and support to Hamas and organizations sympathetic to Hamas if the leaders of those nations have any shred of decency left in their bodies. That includes any aid from the U.S. under the guise of "humanitarian aid", officially or unofficially through private funds or public!! I shudder to think that one cent of my tax dollar this March in any way, shape, or form, is sent to Palestine as "humanitarian aid" and ends up financing the corruption of innocent children like this. This video is a clear manifestation of the evil that is Hamas.. --- ed.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2007/03/hamas-tv-glorifies-family-suicide.html |

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