Bush: Veto Accomplished
Mark Fiore released an animated cartoon depicting GWB declaring Veto Accomplished. The satire points to a serious flaw in our political system. The politicians in Washington continue to play their games more concerned about the power struggle in D.C. than the needs of the troops abroad. Troops are being played as political pawns and neither side seems to be the least bit concerned by it. Democrats know that GWB will not set a timetable and will veto any bill with a timetable. He has made that clear over and over again. The American people know this. So now they will sit down and carve out a reasonable budget for the troops overseas. In the end doesn't this look like a failure of the Democrats?? Where is the logic?? People will have long forgotten this vote come election time 2008. --- Hat Tip: Mark Fiore
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2007/05/bush-veto-accomplished.html |

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