Iranian Fashion Plate

The penalty for not wearing the proper islamic dress in public these days in Tehran is arrest and beatings under the compassionate Islamic law of the progressive Iranian Republic. Note that this is the same regime that is seeking weapons grade enriched uranium for "peaceful purposes" and has called for the elimination of zionist Israel from the face of the planet. Today in fact Tehran is even boldly announcing that it is supporting al-Qaeda in its efforts to rid Iraq of the U.S. hinting that it would consider increasing direct support to suicide bombers and insurgent murdering of Sunnis to destabilize Iraq even further. (All this to the dismay of other so called "moderate Arab nations" in the region that act as though they were a group of collective impotent eunuchs in capable of fighting back against the veiled Iranian threats.)
Soon all the West will be wearing the new spring fashions as the new world order as envisioned by the Islamic Republic of Iran mounts even bolder efforts to overcome the evil satanic permissive culture from the west. An open sexual and permissive culture which remains so near and dear to the hearts of the political left and liberal western media in American and Europe alike. Irony has never been so dramatic and underscored. Imagine Paris Hilton in a burqa.
Where is the outrage from the Women's Movement in the U.S. and the E.U. ???Police and Improperly Clad Women Clash In Tehran
Male and female police officers clashed with women who were not dressed according to the Islamic dress code.The clashes, which took place at Haft Tir Square in Tehran, came during the current Iranian security forces campaign to enforce the dress code.
One girl who refused to get into the police car was beaten by police, and removed from the area by civilians who were called to the scene.
HAT TIP: Gateway Pundit has more: Iranian Official: Unveiled Women Are Animals.
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