Liberal cartoonist, Mark Fiore, takes a shot at the recent dicussions between Washington and Iran on the current situation in Iraq. No doubt the Iranian President has extended his personal gratitude to George Bush for doing what Iran failed to do after 2 years of a war with Iraq. And exactly what might it be that we have done for Iran you are asking? Invade Iraq and secure the Shiite predominated southern territories and virtually open the door to hand them over on a silver platter to Iran after the U.S. pulls out. This will happen as sure as the sun rises in the east every morning.
If indeed this scenario unfolds, the problems in the Middle East are just beginning and you ain't seen nothin' yet. It will spark a civil war that may find itself spreading over all the other nations in the region as a result of Iran's "manifest destiny".
The animation highlights a quagmire that makes Vietnam historically pale in comparison.
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