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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Streaming Digg with Snapshots API

Snap.com recently sent an email to all their users about a programmer who apparently contacted snap who wanted to use Snap Shots in a Digg.com custom application. This developer from YourMinis has found a way to successfully use Snap, which we selectively use here at ZZ N&S, to display the visual front pages of popular and upcoming posts at Digg in real time!

The blog post at Snap Shots has registered over 1100 Diggs and has made Snap.Com one of the top stories of that day. The application called Digg Expose, is now showing about 100 Snap Shots every second streaming right from Digg! The application did put some extra stress on the snap.com servers but that appears to have been corrected over at Snap.

Lastly, if you like the information provided here on the Digg Expose application please post about it on your site, link to this post if you like and tell your friends to get the word out.

Every additional Digg and every additional post about this story helps promote new tools for bloggers and web site developers!

Here it is in action... select functions from the controls at the top of the display.
[We decided to remove the demo. Go to the previous link instead. Thanks.]

If you found this review and introduction to this new technology useful, please feel free to increase awareness and Digg below.

by ZZ Staff | 5/20/2007 01:01:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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