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Monday, June 04, 2007

Paris Hilton Mug Shot with Lip Gloss

Paris Hilton's mug shot... Sure to appear on tee shirts and coffee mugs everywhere.

"This is an important point in my life, and I need to take responsibility for my actions," Hilton said in a statement issued by her lawyer. "Although I am scared, I am ready to begin my jail sentence." --- P. Hilton

Any doubt her publicity agents have the game plan all set for a follow up reality show?? Poor baby...

Authorities said Hilton would be treated like any other prisoner at the jail, which houses roughly 2,200 women. But she has been segregated from the general population in a "special-needs" unit designed for high-profile inmates.

The star of reality TV's "The Simple Life" will be confined to quarters 23 hours a day, with an hour each day outside her cell to stretch her legs, take a shower, use the telephone or watch television in a jailhouse day room.

It's a far cry from Hilton's last day of freedom, during which she attended the MTV Movie Awards in a black, strapless gown, posing on a red carpet before throngs of photographers. More...

by ZZ Staff | 6/04/2007 08:21:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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