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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Uncle Sam Wants You (Quiet) Poster

Great photo-shopped poster representing a bill which was floating around in Congress this past week which would have protected a whistle blower from extraneous law suits for exposing suspicious activity should it later be determined by authorities as unfounded. It is possible the measure will be taken up after the current recess.

Democrats had refused to take it up during their week of make believe pressure on the White House regarding the Iraq conflict.

Our over worked politicians squashed voting on the bill after the all nighter they pulled to lull their constituency into thinking they were doing all they can to end the conflict in Iraq by unilateral withdrawal. Better luck next time. (With this bill to protect whistle blowers.)

In the meantime, while we are all being asked to be observant, make sure you have a good lawyer lined up before you actually open up your mouth lest you find yourself facing a lawsuit from the likes of CAIR for sharing information with investigators that might in fact be faulty. Sad.

by ZZ Staff | 7/21/2007 11:13:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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