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Friday, August 17, 2007

Chavez Declares Himself President for Life

--- [Hat Tip: C&F]

From FOX News: Venezuela's Chavez Seeking to Change Constitution to Allow Perpetual Re-Election.
Chavez, who is seeking to transform Venezuelan society along socialist lines, announced late Tuesday that he would unveil his project before crowds of supporters at the National Assembly. He predicted it would bring renewed political upheaval to Venezuela.

Chavez's political allies firmly control the National Assembly, which is expected to approve the plan within several months. It then would have to be approved by citizens in a national referendum.

Critics accuse Chavez of seeking to become a lifelong leader, like his close friend Fidel Castro. Chavez denies allegations that he poses a threat to democracy, noting that he has repeatedly won elections by wide margins.

No doubt the Democrats have a plan to deal with Chavez along with the budget deficit and the Iraq War. Obama for one will sit him down for a spot of tea and open a cordial Anti-American dialogue in the spirit of solidarity with the oppressed.

by ZZ Staff | 8/17/2007 06:33:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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