Backlash on Gay Marriage is Just Beginning...
Yahoo! News - Bush 'Troubled' by San Francisco's Gay Marriages
The tact being taken in San Francisco is going to backfire on the more radical gays that are driving this. As you can read from this article, all the "in your face" attitude on the coast is doing is stoking the backlash fires. You can expect this to begin to grow as an issue in the President's efforts to resonate with the Republican base. Kerry will flip flop as he has done on the rest of the issues and ensure that he is as teflon on this subject as the former resident of the white house was on most of his issues. None of these documents are worth the paper they are printed on. Talk about a polarizing issue.
There will be a major disconnect between what people will say in public on this issue, especially the media that is really avoiding it, and how they will vote once the curtain is drawn behind them in the voting booth. The media is afraid to have a real open debate on this subject and so far has only given press to the media event underway on the coast. I sense the gloves coming off soon as the more conservative elements of the GOP will demand some action by it's leader. Do the majority of Americans agree with this degree of social change ? They are for the most part tolerant of "unions" and what folks do in private, but will have an issue with "marriage" as a "Right" and an institutionalization of gay lifestyle. It is way too close to conflicting with deeply seated religious values within the fabric of social structure in mainstream America and it's view of family.
Same-sex marriage has become a hot-button issue in this presidential election year, with opponents saying it would destroy the institution of marriage. Bush's stance could help him energize his conservative base before the November vote. -- Excerpt from Reuter's article
"I'm troubled by what I've seen," Bush told reporters in his first public comments on the flood of City Hall weddings that have made San Francisco "Ground Zero" for the gay marriage movement. -- Reuters
The tact being taken in San Francisco is going to backfire on the more radical gays that are driving this. As you can read from this article, all the "in your face" attitude on the coast is doing is stoking the backlash fires. You can expect this to begin to grow as an issue in the President's efforts to resonate with the Republican base. Kerry will flip flop as he has done on the rest of the issues and ensure that he is as teflon on this subject as the former resident of the white house was on most of his issues. None of these documents are worth the paper they are printed on. Talk about a polarizing issue.
There will be a major disconnect between what people will say in public on this issue, especially the media that is really avoiding it, and how they will vote once the curtain is drawn behind them in the voting booth. The media is afraid to have a real open debate on this subject and so far has only given press to the media event underway on the coast. I sense the gloves coming off soon as the more conservative elements of the GOP will demand some action by it's leader. Do the majority of Americans agree with this degree of social change ? They are for the most part tolerant of "unions" and what folks do in private, but will have an issue with "marriage" as a "Right" and an institutionalization of gay lifestyle. It is way too close to conflicting with deeply seated religious values within the fabric of social structure in mainstream America and it's view of family.
Same-sex marriage has become a hot-button issue in this presidential election year, with opponents saying it would destroy the institution of marriage. Bush's stance could help him energize his conservative base before the November vote. -- Excerpt from Reuter's article

"I'm troubled by what I've seen," Bush told reporters in his first public comments on the flood of City Hall weddings that have made San Francisco "Ground Zero" for the gay marriage movement. -- Reuters
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