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Sunday, September 12, 2004

Nuclear Test Blast in North Korea ? No Says State Depatment

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Big blast reported in North Korea: "The blast is said to have happened last Thursday, as North Korea marked the 56th anniversary of its founding.

Yonhap quoted a diplomatic source in Seoul as saying a large mushroom cloud was spotted in Yanggang province.

South Korea's Unification Minister has reportedly played down the possibility that it was a nuclear weapons test.

Diplomatic officials in Washington are also quoted as saying the nature of the blast is unclear." More ...[BBC]
Reports indicate that a large crater was spotted from U.S. satellite surveillance as well as local reports of a large "mushroom" cloud several miles away. This event, if confirmed as a nuclear explosion, should spark major international concern in the weeks going into the U.S. election. Do we feel the need for a strong ICBM defense now ?

by ZZ Staff | 9/12/2004 02:05:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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