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Thursday, November 04, 2004

Get well Mrs. Edwards

This must have been an incredibly difficult day for this family.
Get well Mrs. Edwards: "Elizabeth Edwards, wife of former Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards, was diagnosed with breast cancer the day her husband and Sen. John Kerry conceded the presidential race.

Spokesman David Ginsberg said Mrs. Edwards, 55, discovered a lump in her right breast while on a campaign trip last week. Her family doctor told her Friday that it appeared to be cancerous and advised her to see a specialist when she could... --Right Thoughts"
I would encourage bloggers to go easy on the Edward's family, and especially Mrs. Edwards. We wish her well and strength with God's help.

by ZZ Staff | 11/04/2004 09:40:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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