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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

This Could Finally Be It for Arafat...

Now that the minor distraction of a Presidential election is behind us and getting back to more serious issues, the world may soon be rid of the "Father of Terrorism", Yasser Arafat.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Arafat's health 'suffers setback': "Mr Arafat is being treated at a military hospital in Paris for an undisclosed medical condition.

Palestinian envoy Leila Shahid told the BBC that his health had suffered a setback, but gave no further details.

Her statement followed rumors that Mr Arafat had been vomiting and lapsing in and out of consciousness, before being moved to intensive care." - BBC News More...
Maybe watching the U.S. Presidential election was just too much for him! We wonder how many virgins will be waiting for him at the pearly gates ? We suspect this will be spun by the Palestinians as assassination by "Zionists" and martyrdom when he finally leaves the Middle East and this planet for good. -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 11/03/2004 10:54:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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