An Open Letter to the Hate Bloggers of the Left !
TAKE A MINUTE AND READ THIS !! re-posted from Moore Watch
Also concider this.... when you are done !!!
-- Steve Lansburg
Was the election considered close ???
Also concider this.... when you are done !!!
. . . if you really believe in democracy, and if the election is close, then it doesn't much matter who wins. The theory of democracy (stripped down to bare essentials, and omitting all sorts of caveats that I could list but won't) is that the guy who gets more votes is the better guy. Surely, then, it follows that the guy who gets only slightly more votes is only the slightly better guy. And if one guy's only slightly better than the other, then a miscount is no great tragedy.You might have a strong preference for one candidate over the other, but if you have an overriding preference for democracy ("Let the majority rule, even when I'm in the minority"), then you can stop worrying about miscounts. Surely there's not much difference between a world where Bush gets 3 more votes than Kerry and a world where Kerry gets 3 more votes than Bush. If Bush is the rightful president in one of those worlds, he's got to be darn close to rightful in the other.
-- Steve Lansburg
Was the election considered close ???
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