Blog Soldiers - A New Blog Traffic Service!
Blog Soldiers making a debut. Yes there's a new blog surfing service in town. Very nicely laid out and professional looking user interface. Clean and easy to recognize navigation images. Appeared to just hit the streets today May 2nd ! See Press Release:
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(PRWEB) May 2, 2005 -- "Bloggers all over the Internet are very excited about the launch of A brand new innovative resource for driving traffic to your Blog. is a free advertising service exclusively for Bloggers and designed to get people visiting and reading your Blogs. 2005 has been deemed the "Year of the Blog" with over 9 million blogs online to date and over 40,000 new blogs being added to the Blogosphere daily. Bloggers need an advertising resource that's both effective and affordable. Our goal is to give Bloggers a valuable resource to increase traffic and exposure quickly."
Pat Lovell, founder of Lovell Technology, LLC has spent the last 6 months researching Blogs. "Anytime we venture into a new market, I always spend time getting to know the market and the people involved. This gives our company a clear understanding of the needs of Bloggers both experienced and those new to the industry." More...
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