Cheney Shoots Hunter, Repeals 2nd Amendment
(TEXAS) — Vice President Dick Cheney today accidentally peppered a 78-year-old hunting buddy with shotgun pellets during a quail hunt in Texas, injuring attorney Harry Whittington.
Filled with remorse over the incident, the vice president immediately repealed the Second Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees “the right to bear arms.”
“I’m truly sorry that I winged Harry when he blocked my shot at the quail,” said Mr. Cheney. “I now realize that gun violence is not just an inner-city poor problem, but rather an epidemic that can spill out of the ghetto and affect wealthy and powerful, elderly Americans.”
The vice president said he has “directed President Bush to declare martial law and to repeal the Second Amendment temporarily, until we can get a federal court to declare the right to bear arms unconstitutional.”
If the courts fail to rule in his favor, Mr. Cheney said he would at least pressure Congress to enact more stringent gun-sales background checks." -- Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
I don't think Scott is far from the mark on what we can expect to hear in the media over the next several days. Dick Cheney is probably hearing these words echoing in his head. "See, we told you so!! You'll shoot someone's eye out!!" Shades of the Christmas Story and Red Ryder BB Guns!
Maybe this will get the Muslim cartoon story off the air for awhile?
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