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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mother Axes Daughter in Jordan for Birthing out of Wedlock

Need further evidence of what the world has in store for it if Islamo-fascist radical Islam prevails and spreads from the middle east? This atrocity occured in Jordan, a "moderate" progressive Islamic nation which is still reticent to outlaw Sharia laws. Where are the U.S. and western leftist feminists voicing their horror? In fact, doesn't it seem strange that they are not out there visibly and vocally condeming radical islam in general? Could it be that a conflict of interest exists with their left wing agenda and they would actually prefer silence on issues such as this distaining the thought of taking a stand on a idea that is in any way aligned with the Bush administration and conservative thought in general. What ever happened to the JFK brand of hawkish democrats of the 60s who were ready to go to war to protect western liberties and freedoms? Is it only Joe Liberman that's left carrying that flag for the dems? If course not... but why the silence?

Here is a glimpse of a world under the rule of radical Islam. If you don't think WWIII will become a war of also including "moderate" muslims against radical fanaticism such as this, think again. The governments of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Eqypt and other moderate states better wake up along with the rest of the islamo-EU and the world in general and crack down on this barbaric religious fanaticism. Honor killing and female genital mutilation are just the tip of the iceberg. It will be interesting to see the reaction of the Jordanian officials.

Courtesy of Khaleej Times:

AMMAN - A Jordanian woman hacked her 26-year-old daughter to death in her sleep with an axe for giving birth out of wedlock, the Jordan Times reported Sunday.

The 69-year-old mother and another daughter turned themselves in to police after Saturday’s killing, claiming they had acted to cleanse the “family honour”, the paper said, quoting official sources.

They were charged with premeditated murder, the sources said.

The victim had been divorced for the past seven years and had given birth to a boy on the day she was murdered.

Hours later “her enraged mother decided to kill her to cleanse the family honour,” one official told the newspaper.

“The mother and daughter waited until the victim went to sleep, took an axe and hacked her repeatedly until they made sure she was dead,” the official said.

More than 10 women have been killed in similar “honour crimes” since January in the conservative Muslim kingdom.
Khaleej Times, which ran this story today, is the No.1 English language daily newspaper published from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. There is nothing on the wire yet from AP as of this posting.

by ZZ Staff | 7/30/2006 04:32:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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