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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Alaska to Argentina On French Fry Grease

Awesome example of bio-fuels in action...
(USHUAIA, Argentina) (Reuters) - When the squat, red firetruck, smelling of greasy chips reached the literal end of the road, two young Americans jumped out and gave each other 'high fives.'

Nine months after they set off from Alaska to spread the gospel of biofuels, Seth Warren and Tyler Bradt completed their journey on Sunday at the end of Highway 3, which dead-ends at the southern tip of South America.

Along the way, the twenty-something buddies made hundreds of stops on two continents to ask for people's used frying oil and animal fat, which powered their lorry.

'What do people at the restaurants say when you ask them for the used oil? Do they think you're crazy?' Osvaldo Colombero, a passerby, asked the men in Argentina's Tierra del Fuego National Park.

'No, they think it's super funny,' Bradt responded, standing beside the small Japanese fire lorry that covered about 34,000 kilometres (21,000 miles) since July 2006.

The trip was part of the Oil and Water Project, created by Warren and Bradt to raise awareness of biofuels while taking them on a kayaking and surfing adventure through the Americas." More...

by ZZ Staff | 4/01/2007 07:51:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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