Iran Offers Asylum to British Military
ScrappleFace » British Hostages Seek Asylum in Iran:
(Satire) — In a fresh, un-coerced video communiqué released today by the Iranian government, 15 British sailors and marines held captive for eight days, said they would seek asylum in Iran, “the only country that really seems to want us.”
The hostages said they have already begun the paperwork to become Iranian citizens, and have started classes to prepare them for conversion to Islam.
“Whatever else you might think about President Ahmadinejad,” said one British sailor under no duress, “at least he took risks to get us, and genuinely desires to keep us in his country; which is more than we can say for Prime Minister [Tony] Blair.”
The British prime minister, upon hearing of the defections, said, “We did all we could, within the bounds of diplomatic propriety, to request the release of our troops. We really were fond of them. I do hope that they’ll come back and visit us sometime.”-- as reported by satirist Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
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