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Monday, April 02, 2007

Edwards Campaign and Reality Politics

While it may be debatable whether the decision by John and Elizabeth Edwards to continue their quest for the White House after the sudden appearance of a sinister and unwelcome running mate, one must praise them for their courage to try. We have to wonder if there isn't a bit of a "reality TV" factor emerging within the Edwards campaign which may be driving some of his recent increase in the polls. As a nation is there any doubt we have fallen in love with media voyeurism? So why shouldn't this new cultural twist not find its way onto the political campaign trail as well?

There is not much more that can be added to the current political process for gaining voter mindshare that would preclude yet one more dysfunctional twist. The TWO Americas have become ONE in an instant under the specter of cancer... the great equalizer -- why not exploit it? We hope the story ends well for Mrs. Edwards regardless of the political outcome of their decision.

by ZZ Staff | 4/02/2007 05:17:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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