Elizabeth Finally Blasts Rosie On the View
It may have been hormones from her pregnancy or maybe she was just plain sick and tired of taking crap from the fat, overweight lesbian bitch we are not sure, but Elizabeth Hasselbeck finally gave it to Rosie O'Donnell with both barrels today on The View. It's a safe bet that one or the other won't be on the air for much longer. The show's producers must have been in a trance as they let the screaming rant go on for several minutes before going to commercial.
Elisabeth Blasts Rosie: I'm No Donald Trump! - TMZ.com: "The bitchfight between Rosie O'Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck officially went nuclear -- and we mean nuclear -- on this morning's 'The View,' and it's a miracle, frankly, that fists didn't fly.
As usual, Rosie and Elisabeth started in on one another on the topic of Iraq, but it quickly got personal when Rosie, clearly still miffed that Elisabeth hadn't defended her over the whole soldiers-as-terrorists fracas, demanded to know whether Hasselbeck really thought Rosie felt that U.S. soldiers were terrorists, 'as my friend, since September.' When Elisabeth didn't give her a yes-or-no answer, the verbal fisticuffs began in earnest. In fact, producers saw fit to go split-screen, just to amp up the volume.
Name-calling ensued, with Rosie calling Elisabeth 'cowardly,' and Elisabeth spitting back at Ro that she's not 'poor little Elisabeth,' even smacking down guest co-host Sherri Shepherd's suggestion that she chill for the sake of her unborn child, saying, 'The baby's FINE.'
Joy Behar -- not at all wisecracking and with exasperation -- asked, 'Who's directing this show?! We need a commercial break! What is this, PBS?'" -- Hat tip: TMZ
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2007/05/elizabeth-finally-blasts-rosie-on-view.html |

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