Video: Hamas Children Terrorist Death Play
Behold... the modern day Neanderthals...
(Not Satire) This has to be by far one of the most disturbing videos we have seen yet coming out of Gaza. Picture your typical grade school play in your typical school auditorium. You and the other parents from your community attend to see your children (little girls in this case) on stage performing for their parents. Then click on the home video posted to the left from a source in Gaza found on You Tube and prepare to be both astonished and sickened. Watch carefully and you will even see one proud father adjusting the mock suicide belt on his daughter's costume! Knives, weapons and mock blood on their hands while they celebrate the murder of presumably a hostage or other imagined enemy. Most likely Jewish or Christian.
What sort of depraved people take pleasure in brainwashing their children into accepting murder, hatred and suicide bombings as a noble mission in life? With this type of educational system in play in the Middle East, is there any doubt that countless Americans have their heads in the sand about the magnitude of this threat? How deep is the hatred for the Jewish people that these parents take pleasure in fantasizing their children growing up one day to murder and kill themselves in order to become suicide bombing "martyrs"? Look just how dysfunctional these people have become after generations of living in the Israeli - Palestine war zone.
One also has to wonder just how depraved their so called leaders are who condone this message in their schools? From an anthropological perspective I defy anyone to name another culture on this planet, past or present, that equally has such a low regard for the lives of their young regardless of how primitive that culture might be. Find me one which would surpass what we are seeing today in certain parts of the Middle East. Palestine in particular. You have to go back to the Aztecs and Mayans to come even remotely close in their bloody virgin sacrifices to their gods to be on par with this.
- zzb (editor) [--- Hat Tip: lgf ]
(Not Satire) This has to be by far one of the most disturbing videos we have seen yet coming out of Gaza. Picture your typical grade school play in your typical school auditorium. You and the other parents from your community attend to see your children (little girls in this case) on stage performing for their parents. Then click on the home video posted to the left from a source in Gaza found on You Tube and prepare to be both astonished and sickened. Watch carefully and you will even see one proud father adjusting the mock suicide belt on his daughter's costume! Knives, weapons and mock blood on their hands while they celebrate the murder of presumably a hostage or other imagined enemy. Most likely Jewish or Christian.
What sort of depraved people take pleasure in brainwashing their children into accepting murder, hatred and suicide bombings as a noble mission in life? With this type of educational system in play in the Middle East, is there any doubt that countless Americans have their heads in the sand about the magnitude of this threat? How deep is the hatred for the Jewish people that these parents take pleasure in fantasizing their children growing up one day to murder and kill themselves in order to become suicide bombing "martyrs"? Look just how dysfunctional these people have become after generations of living in the Israeli - Palestine war zone.
One also has to wonder just how depraved their so called leaders are who condone this message in their schools? From an anthropological perspective I defy anyone to name another culture on this planet, past or present, that equally has such a low regard for the lives of their young regardless of how primitive that culture might be. Find me one which would surpass what we are seeing today in certain parts of the Middle East. Palestine in particular. You have to go back to the Aztecs and Mayans to come even remotely close in their bloody virgin sacrifices to their gods to be on par with this.
- zzb (editor) [--- Hat Tip: lgf ]
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