Silencing Moderate Muslims in America

It's an outrage that PBS, a tax subsidized network, has declined to air a documentary by Martyn Burke and Frank Gaffney that helps to tell the story of moderate mainstream Muslims opposed to Jihadist ideology living in the U.S. Western Europe and Canada. The same network has not issue airing documentaries by Bill Moyers that tear down any progress that is being made in Iraq. Fair and balanced? We think not. The following clip from Islam vs. Islamists: Voices From the Muslim Center is the trailer for a documentary that PBS has declined to air, for what reasons? Perhaps it does not conform to their political bias? This is media censorship at it's finest!!!
Martyn Burke is a novelist and screenwriter who has directed many fictional and documentary films. He has traveled extensively from the Arctic Circle to the Amazon and has found himself in the middle of wars, revolutions and movies.
His credits as a documentary filmmaker include CONNECTIONS the blockbuster expose on the North American and Italian mafia; and WITNESSES the powerful award winning, behind-the-lines film on the last days of the Soviet war in Afghanistan.
Frank Gaffney is the Founder and President of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. The Center is a not-for-profit, non-partisan educational corporation established in 1988. Under Mr. Gaffney's leadership, the Center has been nationally and internationally recognized as a resource for timely, informed and penetrating analyses of foreign and defense policy matters.
Mr. Gaffney is the lead-author of War Footing: Ten Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World (Naval Institute Press, 2005).
We would like to see the entire documentary aired. Enough with the censoring within PBS and the bias in MSM reporting... Voice your protests to the editors at PBS Let PBS know you want to hear the Voices of Moderate Muslims!!! Let's give moderate Muslims some equal time against the jihadists and islamo-facists. It's time that the U.S. media, and PBS in particular, allows moderate Muslims to be heard in defense of their own religion and Frank Gaffney's documentary be aired on PBS in its entirety. -- zz [ Hat Tip: Michelle Milkin ]

It's an outrage that PBS, a tax subsidized network, has declined to air a documentary by Martyn Burke and Frank Gaffney that helps to tell the story of moderate mainstream Muslims opposed to Jihadist ideology living in the U.S. Western Europe and Canada. The same network has not issue airing documentaries by Bill Moyers that tear down any progress that is being made in Iraq. Fair and balanced? We think not. The following clip from Islam vs. Islamists: Voices From the Muslim Center is the trailer for a documentary that PBS has declined to air, for what reasons? Perhaps it does not conform to their political bias? This is media censorship at it's finest!!!
Moving between America and Europe, the documentary tells the story of several outspoken moderate Muslims who have waged an often lonely struggle against individuals and organizations that try to advance the Islamist social-political agenda. For their efforts, moderates like the Syrian-born Danish parliamentarian Naser Kader and Arizona physician and activist Zuhdi Jasser have received hateful criticism and even threats of violence. The film also introduces us to the Islamists, ranging from prominent imams to editors of Muslim newspapers to street toughs in groups like Hizb ut-Tahrir. We learn about the Islamists' efforts to fan controversies or to create "parallel societies" in which Islamic law replaces secular civic law. We even hear these champions of enforced puritanism denounce the moderates as extremists.
For the moment, though, only a small circle of viewers, including some members of Congress who attended a screening last week, will have a chance to judge whether the treatment is fair. While the film's producers contend that their documentary has effectively been spiked, WETA spokesperson Mary Stewart says that it will still be considered if the filmmakers make changes that "are not very drastic."

His credits as a documentary filmmaker include CONNECTIONS the blockbuster expose on the North American and Italian mafia; and WITNESSES the powerful award winning, behind-the-lines film on the last days of the Soviet war in Afghanistan.

Mr. Gaffney is the lead-author of War Footing: Ten Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World (Naval Institute Press, 2005).
We would like to see the entire documentary aired. Enough with the censoring within PBS and the bias in MSM reporting... Voice your protests to the editors at PBS Let PBS know you want to hear the Voices of Moderate Muslims!!! Let's give moderate Muslims some equal time against the jihadists and islamo-facists. It's time that the U.S. media, and PBS in particular, allows moderate Muslims to be heard in defense of their own religion and Frank Gaffney's documentary be aired on PBS in its entirety. -- zz [ Hat Tip: Michelle Milkin ]
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