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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Iranian Guards Warn U.S. to F_k Off

Well now the U.S. has gone and done it! We have pissed off the Iranian Revolutionary Guard who has now put us on notice that they will in fact INCREASE their attacks on U.S. military who are seeking to establish a stable society within Iraq. The threat comes as Washington considers placing their organization on our State Department's "Terrorist List". This is the list used to seize the financial assets of terrorist organizations world wide. Are we gearing up for a show down with the Islamic Republic of Iran? You tell me...
(TEHRAN) - The commander of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards was quoted on Saturday as threatening to deal heavier blows in future against the United States after Washington said it may label the force a terrorist group.

The Iranian daily Kayhan said commander-in-chief Yahya Rahim Safavi made clear the Guards would not bow to U.S. pressure and would use all their leverage against the Americans.

Kayhan did not provide direct quotes from the speech in the central city of Isfahan on Thursday.

U.S. officials said on Wednesday that Washington may soon name the Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist group, a move that would enable Washington to target its finances.

It would be the first time the United States has placed the armed forces of a sovereign government on its list of terrorist organizations.

Tehran and Washington, which cut diplomatic ties shortly after Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, are embroiled in a deepening standoff over Tehran's disputed nuclear program.

They also blame each other for bloodshed in Iraq.

Flipping the bird
The Revolutionary Guards have already brushed off the latest threat from Washington and have said they will grow in strength despite U.S. efforts to isolate them.

Iran has threatened to strike U.S. regional interests if attacked over its nuclear program and Safavi has noted that Iranian missiles could hit warships operating anywhere in the Gulf and Oman Sea.

Tehran rejects Western accusations it is trying to build an atomic bomb and says its nuclear program is meant for peaceful energy.

The two countries accuse each other of creating strife in the Middle East, including Lebanon, Iraq and the Palestinian territories. The crisis in Iraq has pushed the arch foes (Iraq and Iran) to hold rare face-to-face talks to find an end to the bloodshed there.

The United States says it would prefer a diplomatic solution to the nuclear standoff but has not ruled out military action.

The Revolutionary Guards are an ideologically driven force, who see themselves as a guardians of the Islamic Republic. They have a separate command structure from the regular military.
"The commander of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards was quoted on Saturday as threatening to deal heavier blows in future against the United States after Washington said it may label the force a terrorist group." -- This sure sounds like evidence that they have already crossed the line. The U.S. has every right to attempt to isolate their finanacial assets. The rest of the world doensn't seem to give a sh-t what's going on in those centrifuges. The U.N. is an impotent corrupt organization and their inspections are a joke. As for striking U.S. regional interests... I suspect Israel already has its battle plans drawn up... - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 8/18/2007 09:53:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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