Follow God or Vanish says Ahmadinejad
So just what is the world going to do about a lunatic like this? Here at ZZ News and Satire we often mix Satire with Real News events -- we let you separate the wheat from the chaff. This story is for real. Any satire here is strictly related to the "head in sand" approach being taken by Western nations regarding this mad man's vision of the future...
It won't make a damn bit of difference which party is controlling Congress, the White House, Parliament, 10 Downing Street, etc. this threat is both REAL and predictable. It was only a matter of time for the "science" of nuclear destruction to finally find it's way into regimes like the Islamic Republic of Iran. At least the Cold War with the former U.S.S.R. presented a logical premise to the world - no one in the equation wanted to die! The concept of mutually assured annihilation was in fact a sobering deterrent for all LOGICAL peoples. But now consider a scenario where the controlling leadership are fanatics and lunatics who see death as welcomed event? Who view "martyrdom" as a noble gesture and even a reward for it's people???
Will the rest of the world allow itself to be held hostage and bow to Mecca, or to ANY religion or country (including the U.S. for that matter) and to allow itself to be subjugated by a growing faction of fanatics and lunatics? We think NOT!! We certainly hope not!
This is the stuff Armageddons are made of. The world leadership needs to act... and act in unity of purpose. Not what we are seeing today with each nation trying to drive it's not so hidden agenda.
(TEHRAN) "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has warned Western leaders to follow the path of God or 'vanish from the face of the earth'.
'These oppressive countries are angry with us ... a nation that on the other side of the globe has risen up and proved the shallowness of their power,' Ahmadinejad said in a speech in the northern town of Ramsar, the semi-official news agency Mehr reported Wednesday.
'They are angry with our nation. But we tell them 'so be it and die from this anger'. Rest assured that if you do not respond to the divine call, you will die soon and vanish from the face of the earth,' he said.
The outspoken president also maintained Iran's defiance over its controversial nuclear programme, saying it was on course to fully master nuclear technology.
'Thank to God's help, we have gone all the way and are only one step away from the zenith.
'We hope to have the big nuclear celebration by the end of the year (March 2007),' Ahmadinejad said, echoing comments he has made on numerous occasions in recent months.
A defiant Iran has refused to suspend its uranium enrichment work, a process that the West fears could be extended to make nuclear weapons.
Iran however insists its nuclear programme is solely aimed at generating energy.
France's Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy said Wednesday after a Paris meeting on Tehran's nuclear programme that the UN Security Council is agreed 'there will be sanctions' on Iran, though their extent is yet to be decided." More...
It won't make a damn bit of difference which party is controlling Congress, the White House, Parliament, 10 Downing Street, etc. this threat is both REAL and predictable. It was only a matter of time for the "science" of nuclear destruction to finally find it's way into regimes like the Islamic Republic of Iran. At least the Cold War with the former U.S.S.R. presented a logical premise to the world - no one in the equation wanted to die! The concept of mutually assured annihilation was in fact a sobering deterrent for all LOGICAL peoples. But now consider a scenario where the controlling leadership are fanatics and lunatics who see death as welcomed event? Who view "martyrdom" as a noble gesture and even a reward for it's people???
Will the rest of the world allow itself to be held hostage and bow to Mecca, or to ANY religion or country (including the U.S. for that matter) and to allow itself to be subjugated by a growing faction of fanatics and lunatics? We think NOT!! We certainly hope not!
This is the stuff Armageddons are made of. The world leadership needs to act... and act in unity of purpose. Not what we are seeing today with each nation trying to drive it's not so hidden agenda.
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