Democrats Torn on Funding War Bill Without Timetable

--- Hat Tip: C&F for the above
Democrats in Congress failed to make a tough decision on the war funding bill funding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with out a pull out time table. They voted to pass the War Funding bill without a timetable for pulling out of Iraq.
The dilemma?
Those that voted "YES" today will now be facing the wrath of all the anti-war forces in their political base on the far left.
Those that voted "NO," have now exposed themselves to the charge that they don't support the troops and are were willing to cut off funding to support them in the field.
Certainly a no win situation. So Democratic leaders in the House and Senate decided was to remove timetables from the bill, much to the dismay of the anti-war camp and to the delight were sure of the President and the GOP. President Bush has promised to veto any bill that includes a withdrawal timetable, thus forcing the Democrats hand and moving them into a no-win situation politically. Some items from CNN:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said members would not be forced into voting for the bill.
"I'm not likely to vote for something that doesn't have a timetable or a goal of coming home," Pelosi said.
And also this:
Anti-war groups are furious at the decision of Democratic leaders to remove the timetables. released a statement saying it would consider recruiting primary challengers to lawmakers who support the bill, as well as advertising against them in their districts or states... - CNN
"Voters elected Democrats in November to lead the way out of the mess in Iraq," said Eli Pariser, executive director of Political Action, who decried the bill as "just a blank check for an endless war."
The pressure the funding measure is putting on Democratic senators running for president was clearly evident Wednesday. --- from CNN
Seems like the Democrat Leadership is having real trouble keeping their promises to the far left on one hand and looking like centrists to the rest of the country on the other. Maybe we'll see the return of Al Gore or even Ralph Nader just in time to muck up the 2008 Democratic Convention for both Hillary and Obama. It would certainly satisfy the needs the radical left and the Rosie O'Donnells of the world. We're sure Obama will position himself so far left after this week's vote that Hillary will seem like a Limbaugh Ditto Head to most Democrats before the primary. The GOP is lighting candles praying for such an outcome!!
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