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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Florida Battles Iowa and New Hampshire

(SATIRE)- Florida Governor Charlie Crist announced today that the Florida primary for the 2008 Presidential election has been moved to June 1st. Presidential campaigns across the political spectrum have dropped everything and rushed to Florida to battle for the first electoral prize of the season. This move is bound to cause electoral chaos as other states including Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina vie for power in the 2008 primary schedule.

"Floridians are sick and tired of not having a chance to pick the candidates the country is voting on." says Governor Crist. "Iowa? New Hampshire? Give me a break. Florida is a REAL state and deserves it's rightful place at the front of the line. We decided the last two elections and now we want to decide the next one too."

At press time we have had no word from Iowa or New Hampshire on what they intend to do to defend their 'first in the nation' status, but in the past they threatened to move ahead of any state that moves their primary ahead in the schedule.

It is possible that they will move there primaries into the last week of May.

The campaigns of all the major candidates are already heading to Florida to battle for every vote possible in the next few weeks. -- Unconfirmed Sources

by ZZ Staff | 5/09/2007 09:24:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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