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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Moved to Wordpress !!!

Just to leave a post here on BlogSpot domain that we have decided to move to Wordpress for our publishing needs.

Yep... that's right! Bye Bye Blogger... After four years and 1500+ posts on an otherwise ground breaking platform, we have decided to switch to a more flexible blogging platform for ZZ N&S.

We apologize for any formatting problems you may have experienced... we believe we have taken care of most of them. More on what we are planning later on. Right now its back to testing and porting the site.

We do regret however that our old permalinks are not compatable with the Wordpress formatting (unless we can find a way to port them over). We have the blogger formating of all of posts archived and backed up just in case someone has figured this gotcha out. In the meantime, feel free to re-Digg a few of our older posts that you might find interesting if you are so inclined...

We are at the same URL http://zardozz.com/zz/

And we are still using FEEDBURNER as our primary feed. http://feeds.feedburner.com/zz
-- ZZ

by ZZ Staff | 8/22/2007 05:15:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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