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Sunday, April 25, 2004

DaVinci's Robot ?

News in Science - Da Vinci sketched an early car - 26/04/2004: "The model, on display at Italy's Institute and Museum of the History of Science in Florence, has proved what has been doubted for centuries: the machine actually moves.

DaVinci Car
It is the world's first self-propelled vehicle. It was designed to operate as a robot and could travel for about 40 metres,' said Professor Paolo Galluzzi, director of the museum." - ABC Science

What is interesting here is the man's work sought to improve on man's capabilites. A combinations of Art and Science... where are the two now ?

That this design actually works is quite amazing. I am still having trouble getting my head around just how ! - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 4/25/2004 10:38:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Monday, April 19, 2004

Movin' Out ...

By Zardoz Z. Bachman

I promised to give you an update on my time off last week in NYC. I thought this should be the first item. Billy Joel and Twyla Tharp out did themselves with this awesome rock - musical. Movin' Out was an anthology of Billy Joel's most memorable recordings but set to an incredible dance adaptation. The producers were able to find a theme in Billy Joel's long song history and sucessfully portrayed it on stage.

This is a must see show for anyone who is a fan of Billy Joel. If you get an opportunity to travel to New York City be sure to check it out. I am however a bit biased growing up on Long Island's North Shore myself. My friends and I used to see Billy Joel in the late 60's when he was still touring small clubs and bars with a high school - college rock group ! And yes... the Parkway Diner was a real hang out. He was an awesome organist and made his Hammond B3 sing. Those were the days... and this play brought it all back ! --- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 4/19/2004 10:11:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Monday, April 12, 2004

A Few Days Off !!!

By Zardoz Z. Bachman

Will be on vacation in NYC for a few days this week and I am NOT going to take a PC with me! Amen. The Delaware Valley gets old after awhile and I need a break. It will be nice to compare Philly to NYC... hmm. Wonder if there even IS a comparison ? Have theater tickets to Moving Out, will visit the Intrepid, and do and see as much as I can see in and around Mid Town. Have Gallagher's Steakhouse booked, as well as Micheal Jordan's in Grand Central... looking forward to that. I'll fill you in when I return.... tell you if it was worth the $$.

P.S. Let's hope for the safe return of the hostages in Iraq and elsewhere... and for the Iraqi people to come to terms with the new responsibilites of their destiny and begin to take ownership for their own affairs. - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 4/12/2004 11:30:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Friday, April 09, 2004


Victor Davis Hanson on War on Terror on National Review Online

This war grows stranger here at home and abroad all the time. Despite the horrific barbarism in Fallujah and the gun-toting and killing by the Shiites, the United States is ever so steadily establishing a consensual government of sorts under impossible conditions in Iraq. Meanwhile the Middle East watches the pulse of the conflict, wondering whether the Fallujah savages and the primordial Shiite extremists will succeed in Lebanonizing Iraq. Or will the American pressure for democracy and reform reverberate beyond Iraq and Afghanistan to move Libya, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, and the Saudis to greater transparency, consensual rule, and an end of their support for terrorists? The courage and sacrifice of thousands of American soldiers now determine whether those who dream of freedom step forward boldly into the light, or retreat meekly into the shadows — and whether we will be safe in our own homes. -- Victor Hanson / NRO

Were you wondering what happened to all those Iragi Elite Guard troops in the early weeks of the war? Well it should be fairly obvious to everyone -- they went underground to fight the gorilla war they planned and expected! After all it did work for the Vietnamees. Wear down the weak and decadent American public with public images of fear, horror and torture. Hostages, the ultimate nightmare. The press will be more than willing to cover it just as they hope.
-- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 4/09/2004 01:36:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Thursday, April 08, 2004

Boston.com / News / World / Shiite militias control three Iraqi cities; Japanese, Israeli Arabs kidnapped

Boston.com / News / World / Shiite militias control three Iraqi cities; Japanese, Israeli Arabs kidnapped: "BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) Sunni guerrillas killed a U.S. Marine Thursday in the fourth day of the battle for Fallujah, and militant Shiite militiamen held all or part of three southern cities. In an ominous new tactic, kidnappers seized foreign hostages, threatening to burn three Japanese captives alive if Tokyo did not withdraw troops. "

The world can see for itself the kind of people we are dealing with here. Civilians who are in Iraq to provide aid are now being kidnapped! Where are the so called Islamic Clerics condemning this activity? Indeed it is a "cleric" who is fueling the terrorist acts themselves! They see the political division in this country as an achilliles heel, a weakness to be exploited and the democrats are giving them plenty of hope that we will cut and run. The reaction should be to go in and get this guy ASAP preferably with Iraqi's law abiding citizens taking the point ! They are goating us into firing on and destroying a mosque. I would not be surprised if they already have the place wired to explode when our people get in there just to fuel the impression this is a holy war. Which by the way it is. They have declared war or "jihad" on us and we have declared it on them in return. A rose by any other name ! What difference does it make? Countries who harbor these bastards should also suffer the consquences. Where has the UN been ? Notice you don't hear a word out of that debating club.... They are hiding under their beds . And Kerry wants to turn the terrorist problem over to them ??? What is he thinking ??? -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 4/08/2004 06:10:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Tuesday, April 06, 2004

12 Marines, 66 Iraqis Killed in Battles

12 Marines, 66 Iraqis Killed in Battles: "NAJAF, Iraq - Iraqi insurgents and rebellious Shiites mounted a string of attacks across the south and fought pitched battles against Marines in the turbulent city of Fallujah on Tuesday. Up to a dozen Marines, two more coalition soldiers and at least 66 Iraqis were reported killed.

Reports from the city of Ramadi, near Fallujah, said dozens of Iraqis attacked a Marine position near the governor's palace, a senior defense official said from Washington. 'A significant number' of Marines were killed, and initial reports indicate it may be up to a dozen, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity"

The fighting intensifies in Iraq.... the radical mullahs are stirring up the recent trouble in their quest to dominate Iraqi society. They smell this opportunity now that Sadam has been driven out of power. I can't understand why the media does not make this dynamic more clear. It appears odd to me that the Iraqis can proclaim this terrorist violence in the name of their religion, yet the West refuses to admit that this IS a holy war... one in which the West cannot afford to loose. If liberal democrats value their freedom to speak and do whatever they please, they should be on the other side of this issue and instead support the President. Instead they prefer to hide their heads in the sand and delude themselves that if we pull out the "problem" will just go away! It is time to take it to them where they live and NOT make the mistakes made in Vietnam. Win this WAR !!

by ZZ Staff | 4/06/2004 06:36:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Friday, April 02, 2004

Falluja Cleric Denounces U.S. Civilians' Mutilation

Yahoo! News - Falluja Cleric Denounces U.S. Civilians' Mutilation: "FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) - A cleric in Falluja Friday denounced the mutilation of four U.S. security contractors killed in an ambush, and residents said American forces vowing a response should remember only a few people were responsible.
The four Americans were killed in the town west of Baghdad Wednesday. A jubilant crowd then burned and kicked the bodies, dragging them through the streets.

The U.S. Army promised an "overwhelming" response, saying Marines in charge of the area would pacify the town -- a hotbed of occupation resistance -- and hunt down those responsible.

On Friday, in one of Falluja's Sunni mosques, Sheikh Hamid Saleh denounced the mutilation, although he did not explicitly condemn the killing of the Americans."

If this does not point out where the real direction and permisivness of the anti-American sentiment originates than we are all ignorant and just denying reality. The clerics have the real control and power over the will of these "people". - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 4/02/2004 09:14:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Thursday, April 01, 2004

Bastards in Fallujah

MSNBC - Occupational Hazards
April 1 - The gruesome scenes from Fallujah—the corpses of four U.S. civilians being burned, mutilated, dragged behind vehicles and hanged from a bridge by jubilant Iraqis—are grimly familiar. Most Americans remember Mogadishu in 1993, when 18 U.S. soldiers died after the downing of two Black Hawk helicopters, and triumphant Somalis dragged the body of an American soldier through the streets. The image triggered revulsion and outrage among Americans—and hastened the U.S. military pullout from Somalia. --- Melinda Liu / Newsweek

Marines need to kick ass. If we pull out now, or do not meet this act with a viscious response it will encourge more. The entire community needs to be held accountable and punished for encouraging and harboring these animals. They are calling us out, by God we need to meet them head on and nail their assess.
Democrats will try to spin this as another reason to get out. That would be the biggest mistake we could make. As far as I am concerned we need to send more troops now and really occupy that country. No more Vietnams.....

by ZZ Staff | 4/01/2004 07:42:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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