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Saturday, December 31, 2005

lgf: Palestinians Applaud Terror Attacks Against US and Europe

"A poll carried out in the Palestinian Authority shows 65% support for Al Qaeda terror attacks on the United States and European countries - the biggest donors to the PA. The poll comes at a time when US and European funding of the Palestinian Authority is at an all-time high.

With elections due to be held next month and the Hamas terror group gaining significantly in municipal elections and polls, the survey further illustrates the desire of a majority of PA Arabs to establish an Islamic state, similar to Iran. A whopping 79.9% of Palestinians would like the PA to follow Shari’a - Islamic religious law. Included in the figure are 11.3% of the respondents, who would like to see Shari’a supplemented by the laws of a PA Legislature."

by ZZ Staff | 12/31/2005 01:07:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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White House 2006 Resolutions

by ZZ Staff | 12/31/2005 11:22:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Gorgeous Close-Up Photos of the F-117 "Nighthawk" Stealth Fighter

The best set of F-117 Photos I've found. These are Truly some of the best photos showing the F-117 from Display, Take-off, In-Flight, and Landing. High enough resolution to make into screen savers or Desktop pics...

read more | digg story

by ZZ Staff | 12/31/2005 12:07:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Friday, December 30, 2005

Osama BinLaden's New Year's Wish

From his hideout somewhere in the mountains of Big Bend National Park in Texas, Osama bin Laden released an audiotape of his New Year's message to the United States. In it he says, "For years now you have foolishly tried to find me along the Pakistan border with Afghanistan. Is it not brilliant that the best place to hide is right under your enemy's own nose?

Since finding sanctuary here in this beautiful park I have married a naturalized Mexican woman and now I am American too! I wish to find work in America doing those things you say Americans won't do. No, not blowing things up. I am told that you will give me free medical coverage for my dialysis treatments, a place to live, voting rights, and welfare for my 8 wives and 24 children.

Since the liberals of your country no longer require we Americans to pledge allegiance under God I will not violate my citizenship. Praise Allah! I may even get a driver's license and start driving a taxicab in New York City where I can repent every time I drive past the site of my greatest achievement. I promise I will no longer try to destroy America through violence. I join the thousands of people who have crossed your borders and are bringing down America by bankrupting it. What a country! Please respond by placing an ad in the New York Times. It's the only paper me and my fellow jihadists read. Oh, and get those damn Minutemen off my ass I'm covered with cactus needles from escaping from those patriotic bastards. Thank you. And oh yeah, thank you Senator Rockefeller, I would not be here today if it wasn't for your tip about the cellphone tracking thing. Democrats rock." -- Shelby Trial

[Hat Tip -- Shelby Trial].... Thanks Shelby

by ZZ Staff | 12/30/2005 10:22:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Barbaric Eastern Thinking Founded in Fundamentalist Teachings

To what levels of depravity will we see justified in the name of morality and religious ferver? This case has to be the poster child for what more young women can look forward to in a dark-aged islamic fundamentalist talibanish subculture. We wonder if the new Iranian President is in sympathy with this dude?
Michelle Malkin: BARBARISM IN THE NAME OF "HONOR": "Nazir Ahmed appears calm and unrepentant as he recounts how he slit the throats of his three young daughters and their 25-year old stepsister to salvage his family's 'honor' — a crime that shocked Pakistan.

The 40-year old laborer, speaking to The Associated Press in police detention as he was being shifted to prison, confessed to just one regret — that he didn't murder the stepsister's alleged lover too.

Hundreds of girls and women are murdered by male relatives each year in this conservative Islamic nation, and rights groups said Wednesday such 'honor killings' will only stop when authorities get serious about punishing perpetrators.

The independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said that in more than half of such cases that make it to court, most end with cash settlements paid by relatives to the victims' families, although under a law passed last year, the minimum penalty is 10 years, the maximum death by hanging." More...

by ZZ Staff | 12/29/2005 03:13:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Holocaust Myth

I guess you can tell which one of the countries in the poll on the right we are most concerned about...

by ZZ Staff | 12/29/2005 01:20:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Circuit Court Upholds NY Times Right to Squelch News

Another pointed satircal piece from Scott Ott interlaced with some very good questions that will hopefully get a few folks to think more critically of the NY Times and other idiotarian news outlets in 2006.
(2005-12-29) — The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals today ruled that the First Amendment allows, but does not require, major news organizations like to The New York Times to report on newsworthy events.

The decision follows the Times failure to report a December 20th ruling in which the 6th Circuit permitted the display of the 10 Commandments in a legal-historical setting in a county courthouse. In that ruling, ACLU v. Mercer County, the court mocked the American Civil Liberties Union, calling its reliance on the so-called separation of church and state “tiresome” and “extra-constitutional.”

The Times, and most other major news organizations, posted no stories about the 10 Commandments ruling on their “news” websites.

In its unanimous Mercer County ruling (PDF), the three-judge panel wrote, “The First Amendment does not demand a wall of separation between church and state … Our Nation’s history is replete with governmental acknowledgment and in some cases, accommodation of religion.”

The professional journalists argued that although a reasonable person might consider the Mercer County ruling newsworthy, “We don’t have to report on events which conflict with, or contradict, our beliefs or predominant worldview.”

An unnamed spokesman for The New York Times said, “Clearly the 6th Circuit’s decision to uphold a 10 Commandment display is out of step with the mainstream of our readers, and therefore, does not constitute ‘news’ to us. Today’s ruling affirming our right to withhold information would ordinarily be news, but we could not report it without referring to the 10 Commandments public-display victory, so we’re going to exercise our right to squelch that one as well.”

The spokesman said the Times would consider publishing information about the ACLU v. Mercer County case “only if it came from an unnamed source and contained highly-classified information, or if the Supreme Court overturns it on appeal" -- Scott Ott / ScrappleFace

by ZZ Staff | 12/29/2005 12:32:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

New York Times / US News & World Report - Aiding and Abetting?

Is the Main Stream Media (MSM) going too far in it's effort to vilify the current Administration? So much so that it is becoming a danger to our National Security? Where is the line? Has US News and the NYT crossed it? When does a constant pattern of compromising and obstructing the efforts of our intelligence agencies become tantamout to "aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of war"? If that time is now, as in the recent expose at the Times and this "story" by US News, does this White House have the spine to confont it ??

Michelle Malkin raises this and similar questions in her column today...
You knew this was going to happen, didn't you?

Request seeks list of Muslim homes, businesses, mosques targeted under secret program

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 12/27/05) - A prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group today announced the filing of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all government records relating to a secret government program that monitored the radiation levels at more than 100 Muslim homes, businesses and mosques in the capital region and in other areas nationwide...

...The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) filed the FOIA request with the Department of Justice, including the FBI, and the Department of Energy.

In the request, CAIR asked for: 1) "Records concerning the authority of President Bush to delegate or personally authorize surveillance without obtaining a court order as required by FISA," and 2) "Comprehensive lists and addresses of the over a hundred Muslim sites (including mosques, organizations, businesses, warehouses and homes) in Washington D.C., Chicago, Detroit, New York, Las Vegas and Seattle which have been targeted for radiological surveillance by this top secret program..."

Thanks, US News. Next time, why not just hand over whatever classified information you obtain directly to al Qaeda?

If only these MSM blabbermouths invested as much energy exposing the terrorist sympathies and connections of CAIR as they did in exposing every last Bush administration counterterrorism measure to protect American lives, they'd fully understand the damage they have done.

Washington needs to step up to the plate and take the gloves off with respect to MSM's apparent mission to stoop to new depths in order to throw obstacles in front of the FBI, the NSA, the CIA and this Administration. They say they do this in the name of protecting our individual rights -- but most every thinking American knows there's also a political agenda behind it. Mainstream America is supportive of our government doing everything it can to protect it's citizens from indiscriminate murder. Even if it means invading the privacy of suspected terrorist conspirators that happen to be living in this country! U.S. Citizens or not! If a suspected group has nothing to hide, they should have nothing to worry about. Take a poll and see just how many Americans feel this way. Why give a suspected terrorist group an edge?

In a time of war everyone should recognize that we may have to give up some freedoms (not all) for the greater good. We do this at airports every day! The left and the press seem to want to obstruct the very people who are sworn to protect us and now some over zealous reporters are flirting with aiding and abetting an enemy in a time of war in order to promote their own agendas by leaking information in the form of a "story" that potentially threatens the lives of our citizens. Why? What's their real motive if not political? And if that is the case, then their actions are a threat to all of us and they need to be held accountable. That's how we feel about it.

There needs to be a balance. "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" should not be contrued to mean "Give me Safety at the Expense of All Liberty" the Law of the Land needs to adjust to asymetrical threats without compromising what we stand for as a nation. So to the Senate... when you return from Holiday... give careful consideration to the renewal of the Patriot Act and put your politics aside and search your souls for the right balance!

by ZZ Staff | 12/28/2005 11:20:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Dig Yourself Deeper

by ZZ Staff | 12/28/2005 12:15:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Israeli Jets Hit Militant Base in Lebanon

(BEIRUT, Lebanon) - Israeli jets attacked a Palestinian militant group's training base in southern Lebanon early Wednesday, hours after an Israeli border town was hit by rocket fire, the military said.

The base located five miles south of Beirut is operated by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, a small group that has been waging a decades long fight against the Jewish state.

'This is in response to the firing of projectile rockets last night toward Israeli communities,' the military said.

It said it views such attacks with 'extreme severity' and holds Lebanon responsible.

There was no word on casualties or damage in the strike, launched after three rockets landed in a residential area of Kiryat Shemona. The army said the rockets damaged some property but caused no injuries." More...
Maybe Spielberg will want to make a movie out of the constant attacks from Hamas and Islamic Jihad to provide a fair and balanced perspective on reconciliation....

by ZZ Staff | 12/28/2005 12:03:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Munich Mastermind Spurns Spielberg's Peace Appeal

No remorse, compassion or any hint of reconciliation whatsover, from the convicted murdering Munich terrorist Mohammed Daoud when interviewed about Spielberg's film:
GAZA (Reuters) - The Palestinian mastermind of the Munich Olympics attack in which 11 Israeli athletes died said on Tuesday he had no regrets and that Steven Spielberg's new film about the incident would not deliver reconciliation.

The Hollywood director has called 'Munich,' which dramatises the 1972 raid and
Israel's reprisals against members of the
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), his 'prayer for peace.'

Mohammed Daoud planned the Munich attack on behalf of PLO splinter group Black September, but did not take part and does not feature in the film.

He voiced outrage at not being consulted for the thriller and accused Spielberg of pandering to the Jewish state.

'If he really wanted to make it a prayer for peace he should have listened to both sides of the story and reflected reality, rather than serving the Zionist side alone,' Daoud told Reuters by telephone from the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Daoud said he had not seen the film, which will only reach most screens outside the United States next month.

But he noted that Spielberg arranged previews in Israel, where some have accused 'Munich' of lacking historical accuracy.

Several Israeli historians have also complained about what they see as a moral symmetry in the film between slain Olympians and the Palestinians assassinated by the Mossad spy service.

'Spielberg showed the movie to widows of the Israeli victims, but he neglected the families of Palestinian victims,' said Daoud. 'How many Palestinian civilians were killed before and after Munich?'" ...

Daoud survived a 1981 shooting in Poland that he blamed on a Mossad mole in the rival Palestinian faction of Abu Nidal.

Though Israel allowed him to visit the occupied
West Bank after 1993 peace accords, and Mossad veterans say the reprisals are over, Daoud said he feels he could still be targeted.

"When I chose a long time ago to be a revolutionary fighter I prepared to be a martyr. I am not afraid, because people's souls are in God's hands, not Israel's," he said.

"Some of them (the athletes) had taken part in wars and killed many Palestinians. Whether a pianist or an athlete, any Israeli is a soldier." More...

We suggest that the world give Mohammed Daoud a reward for his defiance and grant him his request for martyrdom. He can then rape his islamic virgins in eternal hell.

When will the left wing bleeding heart producers and filmakers in Folloywood understand that there IS NO RECONCILIATION with these people? From a comment at LGF: [Hat Tip: Zombie] hitting the proverbial nail on the head...
"Spielberg, like most dhimmi libs, imagined that his film would bring reconciliation. He imagined Palestinians and Israelis sobbing and hugging. "Let's end the violence!" This is a typical leftist fantasy. He needs to learn... that this fantasy never happens in the real world. No matter how hard he tries to humanize the villains, they will still hate him as much as they ever did, simply for being a Jew and for being an American." More...
"Zombie"... you have an open invitation to post over at our OpenWeb anytime you like... Spielberg suffers from a particular syndrome: Assimilation, Normalcy and Jewish Self Hatred in his premise that one can somehow normalize behavior with the likes of terrorist madmen by making what many believe to be a "reconciliatory" film. The same typical Folloywood viewpoint which also subtly, (and sometimes not so subtly), vilifies and attempts to undermine any organization that uses force and takes action "by any means necessary" to twart terrorism in the course of protecting the lives of American and other freedom loving western people. -- ZZB

by ZZ Staff | 12/27/2005 02:06:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas to All Our Freedom Fighters Around the Globe!

God Bless Our Troops and anyone else willing to die to preserve our western Intellectual Freedoms, Liberty, and Way of Life. May the Lord Be With All of You!

by ZZ Staff | 12/25/2005 02:50:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Merry Christmas to all Bloggers....!

by ZZ Staff | 12/25/2005 10:50:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Politically Correct Christmas

by ZZ Staff | 12/25/2005 10:47:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Friday, December 23, 2005

One Blonde's Year in Review

[Hat Tip: Meggit]
- Took new scarf back to store because it was too tight.
- Fired from pharmacy job for failing to print labels....."duh".....bottles won't fit in typewriter!!!
- Got excited.....finished jigsaw puzzle in 6 months.....box said "2-4 years!"
- Trapped on escalator for hours.....power went out!!!
- Tried to make Kool-Aid.....8 cups of water won't fit into those little packets!!!
- Tried to go water skiing.....couldn't find a lake with a slope.
- Lost breast stroke swimming competition.....learned later, other swimmers cheated, they used their arms!!!
- Got locked out of car in rain storm.....car swamped, because top was down.
- The capital of California is "C".....isn't it???
- Hate M &M's.....they are so hard to peel.
- Baked turkey for 4 1/2 days.....instructions said 1 hour per pound and I weigh 108!!!
- Couldn't call 911....."duh".....there's no "eleven" button on the phone!!!

What a year!!

by ZZ Staff | 12/23/2005 11:34:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Daschle Didn’t Grant Bush Constitutional Powers

(Satire)(2005-12-23) — Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, in an op-ed piece in today’s Washington Post, wrote that Democrats in Congress never authorized NSA surveillance of terrorist communications with U.S. residents, and he would not have approved a document the Bush administration has used as its justification for the wiretaps — the U.S. Constitution.

“When I was in Congress, the Constitution never came up for a vote,” Mr. Daschle wrote, “and if it had, Article II never would have made it out of committee.”

The former Democrat Senator noted that during his term of office, his party “would not have granted the militaristic title ‘Commander-in-Chief’ to the president, because it makes it sound like he’s in charge of the armed forces and has responsibility to defend the country against all enemies foreign and domestic.”" -- Scott Ott / Scrapple
Does anyone have any thoughts on this beltway comedy? Any estimates on how long it will take before Pelosi and company suggest presidential impeachment?

by ZZ Staff | 12/23/2005 11:29:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Politically Correct Christmas

by ZZ Staff | 12/23/2005 12:12:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Johnny Damon NY Yankee!

(New York) "News: Damon has reached preliminary agreement with the Yankees on a four-year, $52 million contract, ESPNews reports.

Spin: This is a big blow to Boston's lineup and to Red Sox fans as Damon was the poster child for the 2004 world championship team and now will play for the 'evil empire.' Damon will start in center field for the Yankees and fills a big need at the top of the lineup and in the field." More...

Well if this don't beat all! Red Sox fans must have steam coming out of their ears!

by ZZ Staff | 12/22/2005 01:23:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Al-Qaeda Relocates to U.S. for Spy-Free Calling

(SATIRE) "(2005-12-21) — Al Qaeda announced today it would relocate its international headquarters to an unnamed U.S. city in order to take advantage of espionage-free local, and state-to-state, phone calls.

“Al Qaeda will thrive in the land of liberty,” said an unnamed spokesman on a 30-minute pre-recorded DVD. “We’re still shopping for a primary location with great access to transportation and, Allah be praised, good public schools.”

The al Qaeda source said Democrats in Congress recommended the move after the The New York Times revealed that the National Security Administration listens in on communications between international terrorists and some U.S. residents.

The source said no matter where al Qaeda plants its U.S. headquarters, it will incorporate in tax-free Nevada.
-- Scott Ott / ScrappleFace

Hey Scott... we understand T-Mobile has a low rate calling plan for them as well. Blackberry coverage and GSM no problem...with full quad band coverage to boot!

by ZZ Staff | 12/21/2005 10:48:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Sen. Kennedy Asking Students to Pay for Tax Cuts?

(Washington) "The heated Senate debate yesterday also focused on complex student loan changes that would save $12.7 billion over five years. Under the provision, student loan interest rates would be locked in at 6.8 percent and could not be refinanced as commercial rates fluctuate. Private lenders would continue to be able to borrow money at a rate guaranteed to generate a profit.

Currently, any time the student loan interest rate is higher than the bank's guaranteed rate, the bank gets to keep the extra profit. Under the budget bill, that windfall would have to be returned to the federal government, a change that should yield $18 billion in savings. The change has strong Democratic advocates, including Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (Mass.).

But student groups, higher-education advocates and their allies in Congress say much more of those savings should go toward expanding higher-education assistance or lowering student loan rates, not deficit reduction. 'They could give students a lower interest rate, but their choice is to keep interest rates high,' said Luke Swarthout of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group. 'They're asking students to pay for tax cuts.'" More...

by ZZ Staff | 12/21/2005 11:52:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

2005: Bush Disaster Picture

Best TV Photo Shot in 2005...

The Prez on Katrina.... Thanks SkyNews Ireland -- LOL This one has to be the winner...!!

by ZZ Staff | 12/20/2005 08:42:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Intelligent Design Teaching Ban

(Dover, PA) "A court in the US has ruled against the teaching of 'intelligent design' alongside Darwin's theory of evolution.

A group of parents in the Pennsylvania town of Dover had taken the school board to court for demanding biology classes not teach evolution as fact.

The authorities wanted to introduce the idea that Earth's life was too complicated to have evolved on its own.

Judge John Jones ruled the school board had violated the constitutional ban on teaching religion in public schools.

The 11 parents who brought the case argued that teaching intelligent design (ID) was effectively teaching creationism, which is banned." More...

by ZZ Staff | 12/20/2005 06:52:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Abdullah Call Home

What are YOUR thoughts on this subject?

by ZZ Staff | 12/20/2005 02:32:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Firefox Victory

(Seattle) "Microsoft's (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) forthcoming Internet Explorer 7 browser will adopt Firefox's RSS feed icon, the company announced on a blog--effectively making the orange square with white radio waves the industry standard.

RSS, which stands for both Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, is a system for generating automated feeds of Web site updates--such as blog postings or news--and sending them to an e-mail address or an RSS reader. Some 31% of Web users have used RSS to get information according to market research firm Ipsos Insight.

Representatives of giant Microsoft's Redmond, Wash.-based IE7 team even took a trip down to tiny Mozilla's Mountain View, Calif. offices to work out a deal. 'We all agreed that it’s in the user’s best interest to have one common icon to represent RSS and RSS-related features in a browser,' the Microsoft team wrote. The team had said in October that it would design an original RSS icon." More...

by ZZ Staff | 12/20/2005 10:50:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Monday, December 19, 2005

Iran President Bans Western Music

(Tehran) "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has banned Western and 'indecent' music from state-run TV and radio stations.

The ban follows a ruling in October by the Supreme Cultural Revolutionary Council, which he heads, to ban Western songs from the airwaves.

'Blocking indecent and Western music from the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting is required,' a statement from the council said.

Songs by artists such as Eric Clapton and George Michael will be affected.

Songs such as Clapton's Rush, Michael's Careless Whisper and The Eagles' Hotel California are often used as background music on Iranian TV programmes." More of this insanity here....
We had better get the Iraqi situation stabilized quickly in the coming year... This new Iranian leader is an even larger threat... He is a vocal supporter of anti-western culture and Islamic Fundamentalism and you can bet your camel, he will be supporting any effort that could lead to the collapse of the Iraqi gov't after we draw down. Prognosis anyone ?

by ZZ Staff | 12/19/2005 04:51:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Bill Gates, Wife and Bono - Time's Persons of the Year

From Martyn Williams / IDG News Service the following story... These folks deserve this award hands down in our opinion !!
"Time Magazine has named Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates, his wife Melinda and musician Bono as its “Persons of the year” for their charitable work, it said over the weekend.

The three grace the cover of the Dec. 26 edition of Time Magazine, which goes on wide sale from Monday. They received the magazine’s annual honor “for being shrewd about doing good, for rewiring politics and re-engineering justice, for making mercy smarter and hope strategic and then daring the rest of us to follow,” it said.

The Gates’ charitable work is typically done through The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which was founded in 2000. It’s run by Bill Gates’ father, William H. Gates Sr., and Patty Stonesifer, and has an endowment of about $29 billion, according to the foundation’s Web site."

Bill and Melinda Gates welcomed the award in a statement:

“We realize that we’ve been extremely fortunate in business, and we want to give back in ways that can do the most good for the most people. But we also believe that everyone has something to offer — time, money, or energy — that can help others,” they said in the statement.

Musician Bono, best known as the front-man of rock group U2, is well known for his charitable work and was lauded by Time Magazine as being the “rocker who has made debt reduction sexy.”

“There are a lot of people who could be here,” Bono said in a statement on his band’s Web site. “What’s really key is, all of us are in agreement that this can be a generation that can end extreme poverty. And by that we mean stupid, daft poverty where 3,000 kids are dying every day of a mosquito bite in Africa. Malaria. We can fix stuff like that.” More...
29 Billion... with a B... ! Unreal! They should be able to kill every mosquito on the planet with that kind of money! By the way, they sort of look like Superheroes in that photo don't they? We'll... maybe Bono and Melinda. We're not too sure about Bill :)

by ZZ Staff | 12/19/2005 09:45:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist...

(UCLA) "While the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than The New York Times. The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left. Coverage by public television and radio is conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media. Meanwhile, almost all major media outlets tilt to the left.

These are just a few of the surprising findings from a UCLA-led study, which is believed to be the first successful attempt at objectively quantifying bias in a range of media outlets and ranking them accordingly.

'I suspected that many media outlets would tilt to the left because surveys have shown that reporters tend to vote more Democrat than Republican,' said Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist and the study's lead author. 'But I was surprised at just how pronounced the distinctions are.'

'Overall, the major media outlets are quite moderate compared to members of Congress, but even so, there is a quantifiable and significant bias in that nearly all of them lean to the left,' said co‑author Jeffrey Milyo, University of Missouri economist and public policy scholar.

The results appear in the latest issue of the Quarterly Journal of Economics, which will become available in mid-December." More...
Like the American voter didn't know this already?? Read the .pdf file for the entire study... if you are so inclined!!

by ZZ Staff | 12/18/2005 09:35:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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BlogXchange.Us - A Fresh Look !

Have you visited BlogXchange.Us blog surfing portal lately? If not you should! It has a whole new look and they have added a number of interesting features to make account management painless! One interesting addition is a "Text Ad" Feature that works in place of the Banner adds that rotate at the top of most of the other blog rotation services. Very nice, professional looking and customizable. The other addition there is BlogMighty which is their sister Blog Directory. You can find some interesting sites listed there along with our ZZ OpenRing blog ring, and the ZZ OpenWeb. Check it out if you have a blog and have not joined it.

Coupling Blog Surfing Services with membership in a blog ring such as ZZ OpenRing is one easy way to amplify your free traffic using both strategies at the same time !

by ZZ Staff | 12/18/2005 12:25:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Bush Apologizes for Phone Taps After 9/11

(2005-12-16) — President George Bush today apologized to the American people for signing an order in 2002 that allowed the National Security Agency (NSA) to secretly listen in on international phone calls in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks.

The New York Times today broke the story that after 9/11 the NSA tapped phonelines of hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of Americans without court orders in an effort to trace communication networks discovered on computers and cellphones confiscated from terror suspects.

“I want to apologize for allowing the NSA to do these wiretaps after 9/11,” the president said. “I’m sorry that I violated the privacy of some of these folks after terrorists launched attacks from our soil that killed 3,000 people, destroyed two skyscrapers and four jumbo jets, and punched a gaping hole in our military headquarters.”

“My biggest regret,” the president added, “is that the NSA didn’t secretly tap these lines before 9/11. I hope my fellow Americans can forgive me.”" -- Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
Sarcastic yes. Reality? Not a chance...

by ZZ Staff | 12/17/2005 04:05:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Friday, December 16, 2005

Is Iran Arming for Armageddon?

Arming for Armageddon: "Lest you get carried away with today's good news from Iraq, consider what's happening next door in Iran. The wild pronouncements of the new Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have gotten sporadic press ever since he called for Israel to be wiped off the map. He subsequently amended himself to say that Israel should simply be extirpated from the Middle East map and moved to some German or Austrian province. Perhaps near the site of an old extermination camp?

Except that there were no such camps, indeed no Holocaust at all, says Ahmadinejad. Nothing but 'myth,' a 'legend' that was 'fabricated . . . under the name 'Massacre of the Jews.' ' This brought the usual reaction from European and American officials, who, with Churchillian rage and power, called these statements unacceptable. That something serious might accrue to Iran for this -- say, expulsion from the United Nations for violating its most basic principle by advocating the outright eradication of a member state -- is, of course, out of the question." -- Charles Krasthammer / Washington Post Read The Rest of This !!!
Is the Iraqi War distracting the world from the REAL threat to global stabilization?? What would be the immediate reaction if a missle or stealth nuke should go off in Tel Aviv courtesy of the Islamic Republic of Iran? Read this Washington Post article why the world should be FAR MORE CONCERNED about Iran than the current Bush doctrine of Democratization of the Middle East. For some insight into the beliefs that motivate madmen and religious fanatics to desire WMD, reflect on this article from Charles Krausthammer... zzb

by ZZ Staff | 12/16/2005 01:29:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Naked Aggression

Exposed for what he is and the true intent of the current regime in the Islamic Republic. You can't say they have a "hidden agenda"! He bears it all on his sleeve, and then some. - zz cite: C&F

by ZZ Staff | 12/16/2005 01:10:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Saturday, December 10, 2005

OpenWeb Links Directory

Have You Registered YOUR Blog at OpenWeb Links yet??!!

by ZZ Staff | 12/10/2005 01:21:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Stupid Howeird Dean Quotes

10 Mind-Numbingly Stupid Quotes by Howeird Dean

10) "I think with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, you can't play, you know, hide the salami, or whatever it's called." --urging President Bush to make public Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers's White House records

9) "You know, the Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. They're a pretty monolithic party. Pretty much, they all behave the same, and they all look the same. ... It's pretty much a white Christian party.'' --speaking about the lack of outreach to minority communities by political parties

8) "I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks."

7) "I'm a metrosexual." –employing the buzz phrase for straight men who are in touch with their feminine sides, then later admitting he didn't know what the term means

6) "We've gotten rid of (Saddam Hussein), and I suppose that's a good thing."

5) "The idea that the United States is going to win the war in Iraq is just plain wrong."

4) "This president is not interested in being a good president. He's interested in some complicated psychological situation that he has with his father."

3) "Now that we're on dog pee, we can have an interesting conversation about that. I do not recommend drinking urine…but if you drink water straight from the river, you have a greater chance of getting an infection than you do if you drink urine." —teaching an eight-grade science class in La Crosse, Wisconsin

2) "You think people can work all day and then pick up their kids at child care or wherever and get home and still manage to sandwich in an eight-hour vote? Well Republicans, I guess can do that. Because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives."

1) "Not only are we going to New Hampshire ... we're going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico, and we're going to California and Texas and New York! And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan. And then we're going to Washington, D.C. to take back the White House, Yeeeeeaaaaaargh!" --Iowa concession speech

by ZZ Staff | 12/10/2005 12:09:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Singapore Hangs 25 Year Old Drug Smuggler

(Singapore) "CONVICTED drug trafficker Nguyen Tuong Van showed courage going to his death, his lawyer said today.

The 25-year-old was executed in Singapore at 6am local time (9am AEDT), while his mother Kim grieved with friends and relatives at a nearby church at the scheduled time of the hanging.

'I know that he died the courageous death that he planned for himself and died as an optimistic young man, making us all extremely proud of him,' lawyer Lex Lasry QC told ABC radio.

Mr Lasry said he thought the case would have a long-lasting impact.

'This case and its impact is going to have a significant effect here in Singapore, there's more feeling than people realise in this country about this sort of thing,' he said." Singapore has executed more than 100 people for drug-related offenses since 1999, saying its tough laws and penalties are an effective deterrent against a crime that ruins lives. By contrast, Australia scrapped the death penalty in 1973 and hanged its last criminal in 1967.

While Australian leaders lashed out at the death sentence as "barbaric" and pleaded for clemency for Nguyen, Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had ruled out a reprieve.

"We have stated our position clearly," Lee told reporters in Berlin on Thursday after meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. "The penalty is death."More...
Are Singapore's severe criminal penalties overkill for such a modern high tech society?

by ZZ Staff | 12/01/2005 10:39:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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