Terri Schiavo : March 31, 2005

In Memorium. Please post prayers and kind words only....
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/terri-schiavo-march-31-2005.html |

Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/terri-schiavo-march-31-2005.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/terri-schiavo-god-bless.html |
(2005-03-29) -- Attorney George Felos today said that his client, Michael Schiavo, entered the 11th day of depriving his wife of food and water looking peaceful and 'as beautiful as I've seen him in years.'All eyes (and cameras) will be on the family reunion after Terri passes. The autopsy and cremation services planned should make it to prime time. It's rumored that FOX Network and Trump Industries are picking up the rights to the new reality TV show. The Schiavo - Schindler Family Feud. Where for one year the "loving" families are forced to live next door to each other in a typical suburban setting while being filmed by inconspicuous TV camera crews. Join the weekly excitement and share in the intrigue as they lob verbal pleasantries at each other and exchange small arms fire during a typical Memorial day BBQ. Each episode ends with a boardroom meeting at the "hospice" where an "activist" judge sentences a family member to either a forced feeding with a Corpak Low-Profile Gastrostomy Device (LPGD) or a 3 hr. morphine drip of their choosing. -- ZZB
'Death by dehydration is not the awful specter that so-called 'pro-lifers' have portrayed it to be,' said Mr. Felos as he stood outside of Terri Schiavo's Florida hospice. 'I was actually in the room with the Schiavos. Michael looked very peaceful. He looked calm. I saw no evidence of any bodily discomfort whatsoever, even though he's not receiving morphine.'
'As Terri gets closer to death,' Mr. Felos added, 'her husband's face has actually taken on an almost euphoric appearance.'" - Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/scrappleface-michael-schiavo-looks.html |
JAKARTA (Reuters) - A massive 8.7 magnitude earthquake hit a small island off Indonesia's Sumatra late on Monday, killing dozens of people, but fears across Asia of another huge tsunami soon receded, residents and officials said.
The epicenter was very close to that of the Dec. 26 quake which triggered a tsunami that left nearly 300,000 people dead or missing across Asia. More...
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/tsunami-redux.html |
So... Have we experianced enough national pain, guilt and suffering yet?? -- zzb
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/national-self-flagellation.html |
'I find nothing deserving death in this woman, but I'm only the supreme executive of Florida,' the governor told a crowded news conference. 'Perhaps if our constitution called for a balance of powers to protect our citizens against judicial abuse, I could do something. But as it stands, she is in the hands of the judges. It's their job to determine what is truth. If she dies, it's not my fault.'I hope everone in America undestands that Terri Schiavo did not start dying until her feeding tube was removed. Think about it. Do you think SHE asked it to be removed? On a most basic level she was not in pain until after the tube was removed. Now, only NOW, are they giving her a morphine drip!! Let your heart be your guide and not some justice on a bench with an agenda to fullfil. We're sure that this won't end with the death of Mrs. Schiavo, nor should it. This could be the beginning of the end for future yet to be appointed "activist" judges. Don't be surprised if republican senators restrict filibustering in the next wave of judicial appointments as a reaction to the publicity and politics in this case! -- ZZB
In related news, Gov. Bush continued his Easter tradition of pardoning a Florida citizen chosen by a statewide poll of judges. This year's candidates for pardon were Mrs. Schiavo and burglar who had killed a homeowner during a break-in.
The burglar won in a landslide." - Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/gov-bush-washes-hands-of-schiavo.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/clinical-rounds.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/blogxchange-scheduled-to-start-when.html |
(2005-03-22) -- President George Bush, frustrated by polls which show Americans don't understand his Social Security reform proposals and by Democrats who pronounce the term 'privatize' as if it meant 'poison,' has begun seasoning his standard stump speech with new terminology in an effort to find words more palatable to progressive voters.If you have not checked out ScrappleFace, you should add it to your RSS reader. Scott is a satirical master! Read some of the hysterical comments at his site. -- zzb'We need to hybridize Social Security,' Mr. Bush told an audience in Seattle this week, hoping the association with the ubiquitous gasoline-electric cars would help his case. 'My hybridization plan is the perfect blend of market forces and USSR-style centralized government planning. None of your money will actually be in your hands. But we'll dictate a few investment choices for you, so you can have feeling of control without the full risk or benefit.'
At the next tour stop, Mr. Bush told a town hall meeting, 'We need to euthanize Social Security. It's about 70 years old now, and it's getting in the way of the hopes and dreams of the next generation. It's an inconvenience. We won't kill it. We're just going to stop feeding it so it can peacefully fade away.'
At an all-female college, the president said, 'I'm pro-choice on Social Security. I support a woman's right to choose her retirement investments. In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court discovered your Constitutional right to privacy. If what you do with your fetus is private, why should the federal government dictate what you do with your nest egg?'
At a gathering in San Francisco, Mr. Bush called his plan a 'happy marriage' between personal and government-controlled accounts.
'If you love your money,' he said. 'Then don't let the government limit your freedom to express that love in anyway that seems right to you." - Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/scrappleface-satire-bush-tests-new.html |
In coming years, political historians might look back and try to pinpoint the day or week or month that the Republican Party shed the last vestiges of its small-government philosophy. If and when they do, the week just past should make the short list. For it was in this last week that the Republican-controlled Congress made it clear that it sees no area of American life -- none too trivial and none too intimate -- that the federal government should not permeate with its power. ..Small government? This entire ordeal is not too political is it? So much for individual privacy and dignity.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/like-elephant-in-china-shop.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/blogtraffic-to-blogxchange.html |
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Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/march-madness-in-boardroom.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/cable-news-hell.html |
CHANGES TO THE CORPORATE TRAVEL POLICYAhh --- the joys of the corporate travel experiance. If you can come up with any other great cost cutting suggestions which we can pass along to this Fortune 500 company... just drop us a comment !! - zzb
Due to the current financial situation, changes will be made to the Business Travel Standards and Procedures Manual. Effective June 1st, the following revised procedures apply:
All employees are encouraged to stay with relatives and friends while on business travel. If weather permits, public areas such as parks should be used as temporary lodging sites. Bus terminals, train stations, and office lobbies may provide shelter in periods of inclement weather.
Hitchhiking is the preferred mode of travel in lieu of commercial transport. Luminescent safety vests will be issued to all employees prior to their departure on business trips. Bus transportation will be used only when work schedules require such travel. Airline tickets will be authorized in extreme circumstances and the lowest fares will be used. For example, if a meeting is scheduled in Seattle but the lower fare can be obtained by traveling to Detroit, then travel to Detroit will be substituted for travel to Seattle.
Expenditures for meals will be limited to an absolute minimum. It should be noted that certain grocery and specialty chains, such as Hickory Farms, General Nutrition Centers, and Price Club, Costco, Sam's Clubs, etc., often provide free samples of promotional items. Entire meals can be obtained in this manner. Travelers should also be familiar with indigenous roots, berries and other food sources available at their destinations. If restaurants must be utilized, travelers should use "all you can eat" salad bars. This is especially effective for employees traveling together as one plate can be used to feed the entire group. Employees are also encouraged to bring their own food on business travel. Cans of tuna fish, Spam and Beefaroni can be consumed at your leisure without the unnecessary bother of heating or costly preparation.
All employees are encouraged to devise innovative techniques in an effort to save company dollars. One enterprising individual has already suggested that money could be raised during airport layover periods which could be used to defray travel expenses. In support of this idea, red caps will be issued to all employees prior to their departure so that they may earn tips by helping others with their luggage. Small plastic roses and ball point pens, and other items previously purchased as campus giveaways will also be available to employees so that sales may be made as time permits.
Have a nice trip! - Your Managment !
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/corporate-travel-under-50-day.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/buy-me-some-peanuts-and-crack-r-jocks.html |
"Baseball commissioner Bud Selig sat with arms crossed and lips pursed for much of the hearing.Selig is the one who should be drilled for this scandel. Sure the players are guilty as well, but behind the scenes Major League Baseball has been giving the superstars the "wink". Well now the wink has turned into a stick in the eye for Bud Selig and Major League Baseball. These hearings are pathetic. It will get uglier. The next media feeding frenzy... that's our ZZ prediction.
In prepared testimony, Selig defended the steroids policy drawnup in January, saying it's 'as good as any in professional sports'and adding that he agreed to shorter bans 'on the theory that behavior modification should be the most important goal of our policy,' the AP added.
Baseball had fought attempts to compel the players to testify, but committee chairman Tom Davis, R-Va., and ranking Democrat Henry Waxman of California threatened to pursue contempt charges if they did not appear, the report continued. "
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/baseball-cowards_111111792502210788.html |
Here are some of the features we pulled off their site:
* 20 Second Surf Timer
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Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/new-blog-surfing-service-blogtrafficus.html |
ESPN.com - MLB - Report: Jeremy Giambi says he used steroids: "KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Former major leaguer Jeremy Giambi admitted he used steroids, The Kansas City Star reported Sunday.There is little doubt that big brother may have introduced the controversial chemicals to his younger brother in Oakland. This is probably just the tip of the iceberg as most all of America probably already surmises given the shattering of so many records over the past 5 years. Sad. -- zzb
'It's something I did,' Giambi told the newspaper. 'I apologize. I made a mistake. I moved on. I kind of want it in the past.'
Giambi, the younger brother of Yankees star Jason Giambi, signed a minor league contract with the Chicago White Sox on Tuesday. While he did not specifically say his brother used steroids, Jeremy Giambi noted a news conference his brother had last month in New York during which he apologized profusely, but did not say why he was apologizing.
'If you don't know what he's apologizing for,' Jeremy Giambi said, 'you must've been in a coma for two years.'
Jeremy Giambi declined to be specific about his steroid use. He told the newspaper he wants to come clean about steroids and hopes others will do the same." -- A/P
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/little-brother-jeremy-giambi-took.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/border-wars.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/jesus-juice.html |
BBC NEWS | Health | How tunes get stuck in your head: "A US team from Dartmouth College, reported in the journal Nature, played volunteers tunes with snippets cut out.This is worth the read if you are interested in Music or Biology... or just wondered about how is it that when you hear a song you haven't heard for years it can sort of "transport" you back in time and you can remember experiances associated with that song! Facinating stuff. -- zzb
They scanned for brain activity and found it centred in the auditory cortex - which handles information from ears.
When familiar tunes played, the cortex activity continued during the blanks - and the volunteers indeed said they still mentally 'heard' the tunes." More... worth the read
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/how-tunes-get-stuck-in-your-head.html |
Satire(2005-03-08) -- Just a day after enacting a new anti-secession law for Taiwan, the communist Chinese government announced today that it would begin construction of an immense stone wall in the Pacific Ocean to encircle the island of Taiwan and protect its citizens from 'foreign encroachment.'Scott Ott takes another well aimed shot at the communist ambitions of "re-unifying" Taiwan. Way to go Scott! Keep them coming ! -- zzb
The wall, roughly 1,400 miles long and extending from the ocean floor to 300 feet above the surface, will 'reinforce the common bond the Chinese people share with the residents of our island territory,' according to an official government news release.
'The wall will keep out damaging waves from the rising tide of global democracy which threatens our idyllic way of life,' the government said. 'Some people claim that our communist ideology has already been defeated, and that we are a relic of a failed social experiment. But this mighty stone wall will demonstrate the triumph of the people's revolution over capitalism, religion and western thought.'" - ScrappleFace / S.Ott
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/china-to-build-stone-wall-around.html |
Hezbollah is a factional militia -- yet its supporters wave the Lebanese flag, a symbol of anti-factional "national unity." It is in favor of perpetuating Syrian tyranny -- yet its rent-a-mob holds up pictures of pro-independence leader Rafik Hariri, whom even they must know was assassinated by Syria. And Hezbollah is funded and controlled by Syria and Iran -- yet it steals the slogan of "no foreign interference." - C&F
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/pot-calling-kettle-black.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/rules-of-engagement.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/editorial-cartoons.html |
"(2005-03-06) -- U.S. President George Bush today reiterated his call for Bashar al-Assad to immediately withdraw all of his troops from Lebanon, but reassured a nervous U.N. Security Council that Syria's pull-out will not threaten Howard Stern's satellite radio deal.GW can't be Sirius about all of this now can he? He should have enough on his mind with our Iraqi ground forces shooting and killing Italian special agents. We're sure the HBO movie screenplay will not be flattering. Blackhawk Down it ain't. Syriously!
'Despite the ongoing SEC investigation into the Stern deal,' said Mr. Bush, 'there is no diplomatic linkage between that and my stern remarks about Syria's treating Lebanon as a satellite state. Let no one misamprehend me (Bushism).'
A White House news release said the president made the clarifying statement because 'apparently Mr. Assad is confused about the meaning of 'immediate total withdrawal,' and we wanted to make sure he understands that President Bush is referring to Syria's serious situation, not the Stern-Sirius situation.'" - S. Ott / ScrappleFace [Satire]
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/bush-is-he-sirius-about-syria.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/blue-light-special.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/whichever-way-wind-blows.html |
In just a few months, he warns, bloggers and news organizations could risk the wrath of the federal government if they improperly link to a campaign's Web site. Even forwarding a political candidate's press release to a mailing list, depending on the details, could be punished by fines.
Smith should know. He's one of the six commissioners at the Federal Election Commission, which is beginning the perilous process of extending a controversial 2002 campaign finance law to the Internet.
In 2002, the FEC exempted the Internet by a 4-2 vote, but U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly last fall overturned that decision. "The commission's exclusion of Internet communications from the coordinated communications regulation severely undermines" the campaign finance law's purposes, Kollar-Kotelly wrote.
Smith and the other two Republican commissioners wanted to appeal the Internet-related sections. But because they couldn't get the three Democrats to go along with them, what Smith describes as a "bizarre" regulatory process now is under way.
CNET News.com spoke with Smith about the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, better known as the McCain-Feingold law, and its forthcoming extrusion onto the Internet.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/political-blogging-under-fire-by-fec.html |
ScrappleFace: Bush Flip-Flops on Social Security, No Reform Needed: "(2005-03-03) -- In a stunning reversal, President George Bush today announced that 'no reform is needed to the Social Security system, and Congressional Republicans were right to drag their heels on my efforts to change it.'Comments on Scott Ott's sarcastic view of the latest escapades around the beltway?
'I was wrong,' Mr. Bush said, 'In fact, things are going so well with Social Security that today I propose to put members of Congress on the same terrific plan enjoyed by the rest of our citizens. Since it ain't broke yet and there's no crisis yet, I know they'll embrace this equal opportunity proposal. Who could vote against it?'
The average retirement benefit for members of Congress under the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) is currently in the range of $45,000-to-$55,000 per year, not including their Thrift Savings Plan (an optional personal retirement account).
The White House proposal would eliminate several elements of the FERS and put a Senator's Social Security retirement income at the same level as the average American worker -- somewhere between $11,160 and $21,900 per year.
'As our elected officials look forward to hauling down that kind of retirement loot,' Mr. Bush said, 'I'm sure the next piece of legislation will be a resolution thanking God for Social Security.'" - Scott Ott
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/bushs-compromise-on-social-security.html |
Projects on display during a Microsoft Research event yesterday included a method for personalizing Web search results based on the contents of the files on an individual user's computer hard drive More...Apparently, the idea revolves around using MSN Desktop Search to acquire said personal data. This would then be fed to MSN Search and personalized search based on the contents of your computer would be delivered. Unlike Google Desktop which claims not to port data back to their servers (see privacy policy), this Microsoft approach seems to have the capabilites to mine information en masse.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/microsofts-personal-search-engine.html |
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/torture-at-gitmo.html |
Yahoo! News - Bush Demands That Syria Leave Lebanon: "ARNOLD, Md. - President Bush (news - web sites) on Wednesday demanded in blunt terms that Syria get out of Lebanon, saying the free world is in agreement that Damascus' authority over the political affairs of its neighbor must end now.Maybe folks there have finally had enough of terrorism with the hope that the new "elected" Palestintian government might actually have a shot over developing a "normal" society within Palestine. It is beginning to become clear that all the Muslim on Muslim violence is beginning to taking it's toll on the average decent mainstream middle easteners who want a better life for themselves and their families.He applauded the strong message sent to Syria when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) and French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier held a joint news conference on London on Tuesday.
'Both of them stood up and said loud and clear to Syria, `You get your troops and your secret services out of Lebanon so that good democracy has a chance to flourish,' Bush said during an appearance at a community college in Maryland to tout his job training programs.
The world, Bush said, 'is speaking with one voice when it comes to making sure that democracy has a chance to flourish in Lebanon.'" More...
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/bush-demands-that-syria-leave-lebanon.html |
(2005-03-02) -- The U.S. Supreme Court this week hears oral arguments in two cases which ask them to decide whether the 10 commandments may be displayed on government property, and to what extent the constitution's privacy provision protects citizens from intrusion by God.What are your thoughts ?
The 10 commandments case, while receiving more media attention, should be 'a no brainer,' according to a spokesman for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a Christian organization among the many that have filed friend-of-the-court briefs in the case.
'Displaying the famous list of thou-shalt-nots is simply secular recognition of historically-significant documents,' said the unnamed ACLJ spokesman. 'Even though God gave these laws to Moses and thus to all of humanity, we shouldn't make too much of that...after all, it's just a bunch of words similar to 'In God We Trust' and 'under God'. Nobody really takes them seriously...especially the first line, which says 'I AM the LORD thy God'. We expect the court will realize the religious insignificance of these totally-secular displays and let them stand.'
However, the second case on the high court docket this week asks a thornier question: 'Is God's knowledge of the private lives, and even thoughts, of all Americans an unconstitutional invasion of privacy?'
The case involves a Texas man, identified in court documents simply as 'Jonah A.', who alleges that God has been 'stalking' him for years, and seems to know things about his personal life that happened even when he was alone.
'Just because the Lord is omniscient and omnipresent, that doesn't mean he should be allowed to know everything and be everywhere,' said Jonah. 'The court needs to protect citizens from Divine intrusion.'
The plaintiff's case rests on the foundation of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling which found that the long-lost constitutional right to privacy protects women who want to abort their children.
Attorneys for the LORD say the deity's case is founded on the first line of the 10 commandments."
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/supreme-court-satire-ten-commandments.html |
For the sweep through Monday, Fox averaged a 6.4 rating/16 share among adults 18-49, according to Nielsen Media Research. With the Super Bowl numbers extracted, Fox still was No. 1 in adults 18-49 with a 4.5/12 average through Monday, followed by ABC (4.2/11), CBS (3.9/10) and NBC (3.8/10).
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/fox-network-wins-tv-ratings-again.html |
"This cartoon is from September 2002 and is in our first book, [Cox&Forkum] Black & White World. With yesterday's resignation of the Syrian government in Lebanon and recent concessions to democracy in Egypt, all coming after Iraq's elections, some commentators are using the phrase 'domino effect' to describe the events. A good example is this editorial from today's Telegraph: Arab world squirms at impact of Bush's call for freedom." More...
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/03/domino-effect-2002-2005.html |
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