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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Powell and Annan | Disaster in Sudan

Silently in the shadow of Iraq, a human disaster unfolds...

The New York Times > International > Africa > Powell and Annan See Hints of Disaster in Sudan: "Sudan tried on Wednesday to play down the extent of the human disaster unfolding in its western Darfur region, but two high-powered visitors, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and Secretary General Kofi Annan of the United Nations, received hints nonetheless of the dire state of affairs.

Thousands of people swept like water across a sandy plain to meet the convoy of vehicles carrying Mr. Powell and his entourage to a camp of 40,000 displaced people in El Fasher, in north Darfur. They filled the air with applause and trills, although the presence of government minders prompted many camp dwellers to only whisper of their despair."

by ZZ Staff | 6/30/2004 11:27:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Al-Qaeda spells out Iraq attack strategy in handbook !

Al-Qaeda spells out Iraq attack strategy in handbook: report: "PARIS (AFP) - Al-Qaeda reportedly planned to target Spain as the weakest link of the coalition in Iraq to force its troop pullout, according to a document from the terror network.
'We consider that the Spanish government cannot suffer more than two to three strikes before pulling out (of Iraq) under pressure from its own people,' said the document obtained Wednesday by AFP from Raido France International's regional office in Beirut.
'If these (Spanish) forces remain after the strikes, the victory of the socialist party would be near-guaranteed and the pullout of Spanish forces from Iraq would be on its agenda,' said the document, distributed ahead of the March 11 attacks in Madrid.
Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, elected after the train bombings in Madrid which left 191 people dead in Spain's worst ever terrorist attack, withdrew Spanish troops from the troubled country in May."...

by ZZ Staff | 6/30/2004 03:47:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Tuesday, June 29, 2004

ScrappleFace: Kerry Lauded for Iraq Sovereignty

Need a good laugh? ala... Scrapleface
ScrappleFace: Kerry Lauded for Iraq Sovereignty, Praises Bush: "Born To Lose
Born to lose,
I always look so calm,
That's because I served in Vietnam.
You can see why I had my career,
I had medals coming out my rear.
Born to lose,
I can't make up my mind,
'cause my mind is kinda hard to find.
I may flip and flop,but please recall,
Though I lose I NEVER EVER FALL.
Born to lose, I'm coming to the end,
But BillandHill will always be my friend.
All my life , my wives have bought my pants.
Born to lose, I'll just go live in France.
Posted by: Prettyold at June 29, 2004 03:24 PM "
This bit of light poetry was posted by Prettyold on the Scrappleface site. Rather creative don't you think?

by ZZ Staff | 6/29/2004 08:04:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Letter from a Retired Marine

An e-mail sent by a retired United States Marine to his Marine friends in Iraq along with the request that they forward it to their Iraqi friends in the hope it reaches as many 'insurgents' as possible. It is nicely worded, and though I am a civilian, I suspect that the active duty Marines and their colleagues in the other services endorse the sentiment: -- phantom (phantom@the_opera.com) -- Google Groups

"This letter is for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, ''Islamic Response,'' and
the rest of the so-called "insurgents" in Iraq. I obviously do not
have an e-mail address for these vermin, so I am forwarding this
letter to my entire address book in the hope you good people will
forward it to as many people as possible, and that eventually through the miracle of the internet it somehow ends up in the hands of the intended recipients. Thank you all for your assistance.

This is from my good friend and fellow 3/4 vet. It sums up my feelings as well.

To the terrorists currently operating in Iraq,I see that you have captured a U. S. Marine, and that you plan to cut off his head if your demands are not met. Big mistake. Before you carry out your threat I suggest you read up on Marine Corps history.The Japanese tried the same thing on Makin Island and in a few other places during World War Two, and came to regret it. Go ahead and read about what then happened to the mighty Imperial Army on Tarawa, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. They paid full price for what they did, and you will too.

You look at America and you see a soft target, and to a large extent you are right. Our country is filled with a lot of spoiled people who drive BMWs, sip decaf lattes and watch ridiculous reality TV shows.They are for the most part decent, hard working citizens, but they are soft.

...While it is true that this country has produced nitwits like Michael Moore, Howard Dean and Jane Fonda who can be easily manipulated by your gruesome tactics, we have also produced men like Jason Dunham, Brian Chontosh and Joseph Perez. If you don't recognize those names you should. They are all Marines who distinguished themselves fighting to liberate Iraq...

When you cut off Nick Berg's head those people gasped, and you got the media coverage you sought, and then those people went back to their lives. This time it is different. We also have a warrior culture in this country, and they are called Marines. It is a brotherhood forged in the fire of many wars, and the bond between us is stronger than blood. While it is true that this country has produced nitwits like Michael Moore, Howard Dean and Jane Fonda who can be easily manipulated by your gruesome tactics, we have also produced men like Jason Dunham, Brian Chontosh and Joseph Perez. If you don't recognize
those names you should. They are all Marines who distinguished themselves fighting to liberate Iraq, and there will be many more just like them coming for you.

Before the current politically correct climate enveloped our culture one of the recruiting slogans of our band of brothers was "The Marine Corps Builds Men." You will soon find out just how true that is. You,on the other hand, are nothing but a bunch of women. If you were men you would show your faces, and take us on in a fair fight. Instead, you are cowards who hide behind masks and decapitate helpless victims. If you truly represented the interest of the Iraqi people you would not be ambushing those who come to your country to repair your power plants, or sabotage the oil pipelines which fuel the Iraqi economy. Your agenda is hate, plain and simple.

When you raise that sword over your head I want you to remember one thing. Corporal Wassef Ali Hassoun is not alone as he kneels before you. Every Marine who has ever worn the uniform is there with him, and when you strike him you are striking all of us. If you think the Marines were tough on you when they were cleaning out Fallujah a few weeks ago you haven't seen anything yet. If you want to know what it feels like to have the Wrath of God called down upon you then go ahead and do it. We are not Turkish truck drivers, or Pakistani laborers, or independent contractors hoping to find work in your country. We are the United States Marines, and we will be coming for you."
Linked From Use Net Goodle Groups ... today. A letter from a Retired Marine to the Insurgents. Found it very interesting.

-- ZZB

by ZZ Staff | 6/29/2004 12:02:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Monday, June 28, 2004

Iraq A New Nation Today: Key quotes

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraq handover: Key quotes: "'This is something I have asked the coalition, to expedite the transfer of sovereignty. We are sure that the Iraqi authority now, the government of Iraq, will be handling the situation whether it is security or economy.

Excerpts from Allawi's speech:
'This is a historic day... This transfer of sovereignty to an Iraqi government and the Iraqi people, we have been working hard. This is a big day for us... The security situation of our country now lies in our hands. We are going to announce the new measures today and tomorrow."
Will this decision today have any impact at all on reducing the terrorist kidnapings and executions ?
-- ZZB

by ZZ Staff | 6/28/2004 12:52:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Power to the People of Iraq !

The world's eyes are on Iraq this morning as it has been virtually every morning since the global war on terrorism began. The first steps toward Iraqi's themselves directing their own future have been taken...

The New York Times > International > Bush Administration Welcomes Early Transfer of Power in Iraq: "The Bush administration expressed optimism Monday that the early transfer of power in Iraq would strengthen the new government's hand to deal with rampant violence and the threat of terrorism.
President Bush marked the transfer with a whispered comment and a handshake with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, gathered with world leaders around a table at a NATO summit. Stealing a glance at his watch to make sure the transfer had occurred, Bush put his hand over his mouth to guard his remarks, leaned toward Blair and then put out his hand for a shake. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, a row behind the president, beamed.
Bush was briefed Sunday that the government of Prime Minister Iyad Allawi was ready to take power ahead of Wednesday's scheduled turnover. The transfer took place as Bush met with Blair, French President Jacques Chirac, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and other world leaders. "How will the terrorists react ? Will their frustrations mount as more and more common decent muslims rise up against their satanic message ? Or will they resign themselves to the fact that their efforts will be futile as the Iraqi's themselves chart the type of future they want for their nation !

Let the birth of a new Iraq today go down in history as a defining moment of change in a region torn by intolerance. -- ZZB

by ZZ Staff | 6/28/2004 08:43:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Saturday, June 26, 2004

Cheney Defends Use Of Four-Letter Word

washingtonpost.com: Cheney Defends Use Of Four-Letter Word: "Vice President Cheney on Friday vigorously defended his vulgarity directed at a prominent Democratic senator earlier this week in the Senate chamber.
Cheney said he 'probably' used an obscenity in an argument Tuesday on the Senate floor with Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) and added that he had no regrets. 'I expressed myself rather forcefully, felt better after I had done it,' Cheney told Neil Cavuto of Fox News. The vice president said those who heard the putdown agreed with him. 'I think that a lot of my colleagues felt that what I had said badly needed to be said, that it was long overdue.'
The forceful defense by Cheney came as much of Washington was discussing his outburst on the Senate floor in which a chance encounter with Leahy during a photo session in the usually decorous Senate chamber ended in colorful profanity. The obscenity was published in yesterday's editions of The Washington Post. "
Cite from Washington Post above --- Apparently the Vice President has decided to take the gloves off and during an interview on Fox, V.P. Cheney defended his remarks and the use of profanity directed to Sen. Leahy. It is about time that the gloves come off. Let the fur begin to fly! Afterall, we are only five months away from election time ! --zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/26/2004 09:33:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Democrate to Speak at RNC... support for GW

Newsday.com: Sen. Miller to Speak at GOP Convention: "WASHINGTON -- Georgia Sen. Zell Miller, the highest profile Democrat to endorse President Bush for re-election, will speak at the Republican National Convention later this summer, a congressional aide said Friday.

Miller drew a sharp rebuke from the dean of the state's congressional delegation, Democratic Rep. John Lewis, who called the senator's decision 'a shame and a disgrace.'

According to the aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Miller will give his address on Wednesday night of the four-day convention in New York that begins Aug. 30. The Bush-Cheney campaign was expected to make an announcement Monday, the aide said.

The speech by Miller, a former two-term governor, comes 12 years after he delivered the keynote address for Bill Clinton at the 1992 Democratic National Convention, also held in New York. "

by ZZ Staff | 6/26/2004 11:12:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Friday, June 25, 2004

Open Your Eyes Iraq !

The Globe and Mail: "BAGHDAD -- A wave of attacks across Iraq killed more than 100 people yesterday and rocked the foundations of the country's new interim leadership, which struggled to cope with the raids just six days before assuming increased authority.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian-born leader of the militant movement known as Monotheism and Jihad, claimed responsibility for the assaults that targeted police stations in the northern city of Mosul and the central towns of Baqouba and Ramadi, as well as a government checkpoint south of Baghdad.
He announced on an Islamic website that the attacks were made against 'police agents and spies, the Iraqi army alongside their American brothers.' In Baqouba, where the fighting was fiercest, militants who occupied the police stations handed out leaflets that warned Iraqis not to join the new government's police force."

If these recent events don't expose the true agenda of the Islamic Fundamentalists then nothing will. They are content on killing hundreds of their own people in an attempt to gain power and world dominance in the name of their religion.
All President Bush has done, rightly or wrongly, was to accelerate the exposure of their true intent. It has nothing to do with "freeing" the people of Palestine. In fact you rarely hear that rhetoric. It is all about a radical misguided fanaticism of carrying out a 1000 year old vendetta against the rest of western civilization. Yes... even at the expense of their own innocent people.

THE PEOPLE OF IRAQ, as I have said before, must be the ones to overtly crush this thinking, if they are to have a truly free society ! After yesterday, maybe their eyes are opening wider !!

by ZZ Staff | 6/25/2004 06:46:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Another Beheading !

By Zardoz Z. Bachman

Via CNN --- The innocent So. Korean civilian was apparently beheaded a few minutes ago. Let's see how many Islamic leaders condemn this publicly on the news this evening! Would appreciate any count folks have within the next 48 hours with cited references. -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/22/2004 12:51:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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ScrappleFace: Kerry Feels 'Affinity' for Stem Cells

This "article" in Scraple Face can make you wet your pants. I suspect it is a parody, because it is too funny to be anything else...

ScrappleFace: Kerry Feels 'Affinity' for Stem Cells: "Kerry Feels 'Affinity' for Stem Cells
(2004-06-21) -- Democrat presidential hopeful John Forbes Kerry today revealed that his support for expanding the use of taxpayer dollars to do research on embryonic stem cells comes from a 'deep feeling of affinity' that he shares with the stem cells.
'I admire stem cells,' said Mr. Kerry, who is a U.S. Senator. 'I admire them because you don't know what they're going to be yet, and they could be anything. As the situation demands, they could become brain, blood or sinew. And they're not ashamed of being adaptable to the exigencies of the moment.'
While research has shown that adult stem cells, which can be harvested without killing the human, might be more effective with fewer negative consequences, Mr. Kerry said he still supports embryonic stem cell research since it 'makes practical use of a plentiful natural resource, the byproduct of a woman's right to choose.'
'It's environmentally friendly to recycle this waste product, rather than to allow it to clog our nation's overflowing landfills,' he said." --- Scott Ott

The chameleon like nature of Mr. Kerry is captured in the above ... his admiration for stem cells reflecting his own willow in the wind attributes. Too funny....if any of these comments are accurate he is a bigger idiot than I first imagined. My compliments to Scott Ott !

However... What's even funnier is how the series of posts that followed the article turned into a major debate around the existance of God !!!

by ZZ Staff | 6/22/2004 12:11:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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So What Do You Stand For ?

By Zardoz Z. Bachman

Do you know what you stand for? Observe for a moment the next time you are reading through a thread of comments to a post on the web, or listening to a debate on one of the talking head shows on the network media, the comments that expand on what an individual is against versus the ones that instead focus on what they for.

Do you have the capacity to inspire others with your convictions and principles? Next time you are in a heated argument just try focusing your mind for a moment on what you believe you stand for, what your are committed to, what you might even risk your life to defend, and ask yourself... If it were me would I do in that situation if I had those facts, or if I had to make a decision with little or no information. How much risk would I take? Would I feel responsible of the outcome? How committed am I to the principles I express? What am I willing to risk in order to defend them ?

by ZZ Staff | 6/22/2004 09:06:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Sunday, June 20, 2004

Joe Lieberman Speaks Out !

The following is an excerpt from a speech recently given by Joe Lieberman. The Senator has it absolutely right. He articulates a deep insight into what the intent and purpose of the Islamic Fundamentalist movement captured in his words below. It is time every American begins to internalize these words:

In the Media

The Islamist jihadist terrorists who wage holy war against us in Iraq and elsewhere represent a system of values exactly the opposite of America's.

There is no better way to know this enemy than to read their words. The father of the jihadist movement, Sayyed Qutb [KUH-tahb] of Egypt, wrote in 1952, "The death of those who are killed for the cause of God gives more impetus to the cause, which continues to thrive on their blood." The cause of which he speaks is to 'establish a [Muslim] state' that 'sets moral values,' 'abolish[es] man-made laws' and that would impose, by force if necessary, the Islamic system on 'all human beings, whether they be rulers or ruled, black or white, poor or rich, ignorant or learned.'

...to kill Americans and their allies, both civil and military, is an individual duty of every Muslim; every Muslim who believes in God and hopes for reward [must] obey God's command to kill the Americans and plunder their possessions wherever he finds them and whenever he can...

This is a radicalized, violent vision of Islam, as yet embraced by only a minority of Muslims. Pluralism of any kind, a diversity of views or faiths, affronts this radical minority's absolutist vision. Their theological totalitarianism leaves no room for individual freedom.

Restoring the caliphate (the seat of secular and ecclesiastical power that existed for centuries across a wide territory) is their goal. You can read it in their writings: They would create a new evil empire, stretching from Istanbul to Islamabad, from Khartoum to Kabul, from Kuala Lampur to Bangkok, and beyond.

Osama Bin Laden is the leading advocate of this jihadist view in the world today, the current mastermind of this malevolent movement. Every American should carefully read his clearly stated words of intention to know why we must defeat him.

In his 'Declaration of the World Islamic Front for Jihad,' issued in February 1998, Bin Laden says that
'...to kill Americans and their allies, both civil and military, is an individual duty of every Muslim; every Muslim who believes in God and hopes for reward [must] obey God's command to kill the Americans and plunder their possessions wherever he finds them and whenever he can.'
In his November 1998 'Letter to America' Bin Laden condemned the United States because, he said, like all democracies, it is a 'nation who, rather than ruling by the Sharia of Allah in its Constitution and Laws, chooses to invent your own laws as you will and desire.' After September 11th attacks, he gloated triumphantly that 'the values of Western civilization of liberty, human rights, and humanity, have been destroyed.'

In this war of ideas and values, Bin Laden is the quintessential anti-American.

The values and ideas which we cherish and which Osama Bin Laden denounces are on the line in the Iraq war. To call the war in Iraq separate and distinct from the larger war on terrorism is inaccurate. Iraq today is a battle a crucial battle in the global war on terrorism.

Mr. Lieberman is a clear and focused voice in the wilderness within his own party. This speech, given at the FDD's Symposium on "Iraq's Future and the War on Terrorism" June 16, 2004, gives one hell of a sharp understanding of the nature of the problem. This man would have made one hell of a good Democratic Presidential candidate if it was not for his ironically "soft demeanore". The complete speech can be read in at the Foundation for Freedom and Democracies website. I recommend you do. Even though we may not agree with all of Mr. Lieberman's politics here in ozZ he does have it right with respect to the War on Terrorism. Would he make a good VP candidate for Kerry? Sure... Will it happen... unlikely ! Ted Kennedy would never stand for it not to mention the DNC power brokers. Oh the internal hypocrisy of the so called tolerant and diverse party. - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/20/2004 08:58:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Saturday, June 19, 2004

2nd Amendment Compromises - Canadian Style

The chickens are coming home to roost in Canada. There has not been any change in crime since they instituted their strict gun control legislation a few years ago. The following is an article from 2nd Amemendment.Com. which points this out.

2nd Amendment News Archive: "In rural Saskatchewan as elsewhere on the Prairies, the gun registry is the issue that the rest of Canada forgot.

Dough Hacking has been hunting since he was 16 years old. 'In this part of the country, there's an offence to it (the registry). People feel it's a way of life that's threatened,' he explained, taking a break from checking out a rifle at Buck Horn Sports in Yorkton.

The city lies in the gently rolling parkland of the eastern part of central Saskatchewan, surrounded mainly by grain farms. The northern part of the riding is heavily forested.

Over half the population of the Yorkton-Melville riding is over the age of 40. Twenty-one per cent of the total population of 70,445 are seniors, making it one of Canada's oldest ridings. Just under seven per cent have a university certificate, diploma or degree.

Yorkton is an agricultural area. Firearms aren't considered weapons; they're tools for farmers like George Chornomud to use to protect their chickens from varmints. 'Coyotes, mink and raccoons come in my yard to get my birds. I gotta protect them,' he said.

Dissenting voices are hard to find. Even Dave Taylor, the local Pentacostal minister, owns around six guns. 'It's a heritage. I really believe there's a right to bear arms,' he said."

by ZZ Staff | 6/19/2004 06:39:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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The Right to Bear Arms TV

The following article from the Houston Chronicle underscores a perspective that we have reached a sorry state of affairs when even defending our 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear arms is forcing organizations to invest in their OWN MEDIA outlet to get the message out in order to meet election campaign soft money loopholes!

Houston Chronicle
Challenging the spirit of campaign-finance reform, the National Rifle Association has grabbed a media megaphone in an attempt to amplify its political voice.

...the NRA will start small. Its commercial-free broadcast is available nationwide to the approximately 400,000 subscribers of Sirius Satellite Radio...

On Thursday, the activist group for gun owners launched a daily three-hour news-and-talk program on satellite radio, vowing to deliver its message the same way as major television networks.

'We believe we are staking our legitimate claim as news-talk radio, providing objective commentary, news and information to the American public,' NRA President Wayne LaPierre said in the opening minutes of the broadcast. 'The great thing about the United States of America is anyone can walk out on the street corner and describe himself a journalist. This goes back to Tom Payne and the pamphleteers, and that's what we're doing.'

Federal campaign laws ban groups like the NRA from using unregulated 'soft money' to advertise for or against a candidate within 60 days of an election. But the 2002 law -- better known as McCain-Feingold -- allows media companies to report on candidates without restriction at any time.

So, as of Thursday, the NRA joined the likes of political shock talkers Rush Limbaugh and Al Franken and now says it is the media.

To bypass reforms authored by Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Russ Feingold, D-Wis., the NRA will start small. Its commercial-free broadcast is available nationwide to the approximately 400,000 subscribers of Sirius Satellite Radio"

Time to fight fire with fire so to speak. The NRA is now left with no choice but to take to the airwaves to make it's case to protect our freedoms of law abiding Americas, protecting our 2nd Amendment rights for all of us.

by ZZ Staff | 6/19/2004 06:38:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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ScrappleFace: Future Kerry VP McCain Infiltrates Bush Campaign

ScrappleFace: Future Kerry VP McCain Infiltrates Bush Campaign: "Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, the top running-mate choice of Democrat presidential hopeful John Forbes Kerry, has infiltrated the re-election campaign of President George Bush, according to an unnamed source in the Kerry campaign.
'Senator McCain has been photographed shaking hands with Bush, and even giving Bush rousing introductions at campaign stops,' said the source. 'It's clear that McCain has successfully infiltrated the Bush campaign to gather intelligence on behalf of the Kerry-McCain campaign.'
While Mr. Kerry has not officially offered Mr. McCain second-position on the Democrat ticket, insiders make it clear that the Arizona Republican is the best hope for the Democrat party."

This author must be delusionary. I ran across this in ScrappleFace.com scanning my Bloglines. I guess he really believes that Sen. McCain is a plant in the Bush campaign. Some folks just won't give up on their fantasies.

by ZZ Staff | 6/19/2004 04:51:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Friday, June 18, 2004



I had significant mixed feelings about linking to this page. Then I reflected that perhaps we all need to take a good look at just how barbaric these so called Islamic followers really are! Why do we make such a big deal about a sack over some asshole's head when we are up against barbaric dogs of dogs such as these ?!

...it's the Islamic religious leaders that should be held accountable now...

Drudge Report carried this today... I am not sure I can tolerate leaving this link posted for very long. I will not put the graphic directly on my site. We should now double and triple our presence in Iraq as a result. Screw getting out. These bastards need to see that their actions will have just the OPPOSITE effect from what they are intending. Re-Double our presence. I hope this wakes up some Democrats !!! WHERE ARE THE ISLAMIC LEADERS IN THIS COUNTRY OPENLY CONDEMNING THIS !!!!!!!! What the hell kind of "religion" is this?

This nation should somehow show support of this man's family and openly and publicly acknowledge him with the highest honor to bestowed upon an American civilian in a "war zone" whatever that might be. But it's the Islamic "religious" leaders that should be held accountable now. The President should really paint them in a tight corner publicly and denounce their SILENCE !!!! Their silence one must believe is meant to subliminally encourage this or they would vehemently and publicly condemn it ! I think it's time THEY are held accountable not the President of the United States for the bloodbath in the Middle East! -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/18/2004 05:29:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Gun Safety - Beyond the Political Debate

This is a great article on the merits of Firearm Safety. Regardless of your political persuasion, it makes sense to support firearm safety. Take a minute and read from the article below published in the 2nd Ammendment.com website.

"We are hearing more and more each day about accidents and sadly to say, crimes, involving firearms.

Each time a tragedy involving a gun is publicized, we hear a barrage from one side of the political fence demanding more gun control, and an equally thunderous volley from the other side with something along the lines of 'guns don't kill people, people kill people'. We spend a lot of time arguing about how many bullets a gun should shoot, how long the barrel should be, and how fast it should fire.
One of the things that seems to get overlooked is the fact that there are millions of firearms already in the possession of millions of Americans, and that most of those firearms are legal to today's standards. What can we do to prevent the accidents and even some of the crimes we hear about?

...One of the things that seems to get overlooked is the fact that there are millions of firearms already in the possession of millions of Americans, and that most of those firearms are legal...

It makes no difference on which side of the political fence you sit, you can do your part to further gun safety. If you don't own guns and don't want your children to have guns, at least teach them what to do if they were to come across a gun. Teach them to never pick up a gun. Tell them to get an adult immediately. Treat all guns as if they were loaded. A gun is never to be played with, no matter how enticing it may be, or how many of their friends may be urging them to do so. For those of you who do have guns, the same rules apply. Also teach your children the proper use and safety when handling guns and that guns should not be handled"

My wife is a 3rd grade teacher. She has had virtually no luck in bringing up the issue of gun safety training in the school curriculum. There are plenty of curriculum elements relating to safety at home with respect to fire and accidents. Interesting that gun safety, for all the concern out there, is still politically incorrect to discuss. Sad.. very sad. - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/15/2004 01:40:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Monday, June 14, 2004

Car Bombings and Dancing Fools

According to reporters in Iraq, citizens were rejoicing at 13 innocent civilian workers being killed. The following is an article covered on the AP wite news.

My Way News: "BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A car bomb shattered a convoy of Westerners in Baghdad Monday, killing at least 13 people, including three General Electric workers and two bodyguards. Crowds rejoiced over the attack, dancing around a charred body and shouting 'Down with the USA!'

...crowds rejoiced over the attack, dancing around a charred body...

The blast, during the morning rush hour near busy Tahrir Square, was the second vehicle bombing in Baghdad in as many days amid an upsurge of bloodshed in the capital only two weeks before the formal end of the U.S.-led occupation. Iraq's interior minister said he believed foreigners carried out the attack, and Prime Minister Iyad Allawi accused Jordanian-born terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi of trying to disrupt the transfer of sovereignty. Al-Zarqawi, believed to have contacts with al-Qaida, is accused in last month's decapitation of American Nicholas Berg."
With only two weeks to go, the violence will mount in an effort to drive our U.S. troops out early. The end game is so muddy and we have lost so much credibility, the violence will only continue as we continue to appear as "occupiers" to the average Iraqi citizen. The real answer lies in democracy yes, but it needs to be their's not our's that they embrace. Ironically that sword cuts in both directions. And what of Sadam ?? -zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/14/2004 11:05:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Sunday, June 13, 2004

Third Voice slammed for defacing websites | The Register

Third Voice slammed for defacing websites | The Register: "By Tony Smith
Published Friday 11th June 1999 16:03 GMT
US software developer Third Voice has provoked the ire of Internet users and Webmasters by releasing software that allows Web surfers to share comments about Web sites.

...when software developers get too smart for their own good, bad things begin to happen...

The problem is not necessarily that the Third Voice system is invasive, but that it allows anyone to add comments - such as spam - to a Web site without the permission of the site's owner.
Third Voice is a Windows-only browser plug-in that allows users to select text on a Web page and attach a comment, in the form of a pop-up note, to it. Other Third Voice users visiting the site see one or more icons on the page which signal the presence of comments. It's unlikely that the Third Voice software actually modifies a page's code directly - it's more likely that Third Voice itself maintains a database of URLs and connected comments. That said, the effect - at least for other Third Voice users - is much the same: and it's not necessarily what the page designer intended."
- The Register

In a report written by Tony Smith of the British newsline The Register, a software company Third Voice is slammed in the article for "defacing" websites ! When software developers get too smart for their own good bad things begin to happen. Here is an example of inadvertant spamming of your own users by not engineering enough security into their core product ! Sound familiar ? One of many quick ways to code yourself out of business! - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/13/2004 08:21:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Friday, June 11, 2004

McCain Rejects Kerry - Thank God for small favors !

Yahoo! News - AP: McCain Rejects Kerry's VP Overture: "Kerry has asked McCain as recently as late last month to consider becoming his running mate, but the Arizona senator said he's not interested, said a Democratic official who spoke on condition of anonymity because Kerry has insisted that his deliberations be kept private. A second official familiar with the conversations confirmed the account, and said the Arizona senator made it clear he won't change his mind" --AP

Thank God for small favors. McCain has not completely lost his mind. It will be interesting to see how this plays out over the weekend..

by ZZ Staff | 6/11/2004 08:32:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Thursday, June 10, 2004

Off Shore Outsourcing only 9% of the Layoffs

The New York Times > Business > New Report Says Outsourcing Causes 9% of U.S. Layoffs: "

WASHINGTON, June 10 (Reuters) - The bulk of outsourced jobs never leave U.S. shores, the government said on Thursday in a new report suggesting concerns over American workers losing jobs to cheaper foreign labor may be exaggerated.
Nine percent of non-seasonal U.S. layoffs in the first quarter were due to outsourcing, but less than a third of the work was sent overseas, the U.S. Labor Department said in releasing new figures on mass layoffs and outsourcing.

'In more than seven out of 10 cases, the work activities were reassigned to places elsewhere in the U.S.,' the Bureau of Labor Statistics said in its report on mass layoffs for the January-to-March period.
Organized labor, critical of the administration's record on jobs, has promised to make outsourcing an issue in this year's presidential election.
While the figures offer the first official measure of the impact of outsourcing on U.S. employment, they count only layoffs at companies where at least 50 people filed for unemployment insurance during a five-week period and the layoff lasted more than 30 days. "
- Reuters

The reality is that most outsourcing does NOT go over seas. In fact a good deal goes into creating small businesses in the U.S. Functions that were part of large corporations that do not meet the definition of a core strategic competency are usually the areas that get outsources first. Often to smaller US businesses. The information above appears to bear this out. Certain industries however, such as call centers, appear to have a higher proportion of work farmed out overseas. Especially to Chindia. -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/10/2004 07:31:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Monday, June 07, 2004

Ronald Reagan Remembered

By Zardoz Z. Bachman
What I will remember most about Ronald Reagan was that he was the President that brought self esteem back to the U.S. after a period of darkness and despair.

After the humiliation we suffered under the Carter administration at the hands of the Iranians, President Reagan restored the sense of optimism for the future in what was a country wallowing in pity for itself. Some of you might be too young to remember the day after day bombardment in the media of images of captive American hostages in Tehran. Blindfolded American civilians being held captive after our Embassy was stormed by Islamic Fundamentalists. Carter did virtually nothing about it except for authorizing a bungled botched rescue mission by a military that he and the democrats had cut to the bone. Helicopters used for the rescue were not fitted properly for a desert rescue and they went down in the desert due to "dust" in their engines. Lives were lost, and virtually nothing else was done after this attempt to gain their release.

It was not until it became clear in the days leading up to the election of Ronald Reagan did the Iranians release their captives hearing on CNN and other networks of his commanding lead in the polls. The threat of reprisal was made very clear by Mr. Reagan during his campaign and to avoid a full scale war, the American hostages were released.

Folks forget this. His sheer persona alone brought back a sense of pride in the country once again. His persistence in making it clear to the Soviet Union that we would defend ourselves in space in an SDI (Strategic Defensive Initiative) and could out invent and out spend the Soviets convinced their leaders that the best way for their country to prosper in the world community was Glastnoss. Openness. So began the end of the Soviet states and the end of the Berlin Wall.

He was a great President indeed, ending the 40 year old Cold War on his watch! A Presidency that may go down in history as having left a legacy for the voice of Freedom on par with Roosevelt and Lincoln. - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/07/2004 08:28:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Saturday, June 05, 2004

Step closer. I have a gift for you !

By Zardoz Z. Bachman

The U.S.-French divisions stood in contrast with the show of solidarity earlier in the day in Rome between Bush and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

On the eve of celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of D-Day, the two leaders highlighted areas of agreement, from Afghanistan (news - web sites) to the Middle East, from Haiti to Africa. "Free nations working together can overcome danger," Bush said, citing the lessons of World War II.
- AP

Don't bet on this partnership. The rift between these two must still run deep. I suspect however John Kerry would fear a trip to EU. Just how would he be recieved by the French? Sort of a no win situation wouldn/t you say? If he is smart he stays out of the France. I must say the President is getting the most mileage he can from this trip. He needs to do more of it. In fact we suspect the more he does the more he will hurt Kerry, who is of the most liberal left wing senators the Democrats have in Washington. Possibly even Ted Kennedy's hero right now! Well take a good look Ted -- yep that's Frenchie Chriac shaking the President's hand - but I sense GW would like to spit in his eye. --zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/05/2004 03:32:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Salon.com News | Pope urges Bush to hasten Iraq self rule

Salon.com News | Pope urges Bush to hasten Iraq self rule

And in the spirit of fairness and balance... - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/05/2004 01:27:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Italy Strengthens Support for Bush !

CBC News:Italy reaffirms commitment to Iraq effort

ROME - U.S. President George W. Bush says he has Italy's support for maintaining a military presence in Iraq after this month's handover of power to a new interim government.

Ending a visit to Rome on Saturday, Bush said he sensed "a spirit of unity" both with his coalition partners and the administration that will take over on June 30.

Go Italy !! At least we know where the Italians stand. Squarely behind the President. They are not a cut and run society unlike some of their neighbors. The more nations that come out and support the President, the better his image will be before election time forcing Kerry to keep shifting his attack strategy and messages. Our economy is stronger and jobs are on the rise and it may just be that we unwind from Iraq sufficiently enough for our electorate not to see it as such a large strategic problem going forward as is being painted by the Democrats. - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/05/2004 01:16:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Thursday, June 03, 2004

Blair Confident

Yahoo! News - New Iraq Government Demands Authority on Security: "BLAIR CONFIDENT
British Prime Minister Tony Blair, President Bush's closest ally on Iraq, said he believed any differences could be overcome and that a resolution would be passed soon.
'I am reasonably optimistic that it will be done in a pretty short space of time,' Blair told reporters in London.
U.S. and British officials would like a vote next week.
In Iraq, a rebel cleric agreed to new steps on Friday for his militia to stop fighting, and the top Shi'ite cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani issued a vote of confidence in the new interim government. "

Ironically, sounds like there is more support from the Ayatollah Sistani for the newly formed government than that of France and Russia combined. Although the new Iraqi government wants more power over US troop presence, the U.N. envoy seems to be supporting just the opposite, in conflict with France and Russia who will apparently do their best to stymie U.S. military influence in the country going forward. This should evolve into an interesting political confrontation in the weeks and months ahead. -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/03/2004 07:54:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Chalabi being Investigated by FBI and CIA

:: Xinhuanet - English ::: "WASHINGTON, June 2 (Xinhuanet) -- The FBI is investigating who in the US government may have leaked information on Iran's intelligence code to former Iraqi exile Ahmad Chalabi and the CIA will investigate whether Chalabi leaked the secrets to Iran, officials said Wednesday.
Local media reports quoted officials close to the FBI investigation as saying the US government has evidence that Chalabi told Iran that the United States had broken some of Iran's secret communication codes"

Exactly the point I made in this morning's editorial comment below. This guy needs to be investigated and we need to know why he had this information in the first place and from whom he recieved it. Heads should roll on this one... He was a loose cannon to start with - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 6/02/2004 09:48:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Chalabi Turncoat

VOANews.com: "U.S. officials have revealed some details about their split with Iraqi politician Ahmad Chalabi, who was once credited by key Defense Department officials for information on Iraqi weapons leading to the U.S. invasion.
U.S. officials are reported as saying that Mr. Chalabi told Iran the United States had broken Iranian secret codes, allowing U.S. intelligence officials to read spy service communications. The New York Times quotes U.S. officials as saying the former Iraqi exile told Iran's top intelligence official in Baghdad six weeks ago that the United States had cracked the codes. "

Is anyone surprised? This is the level of integrity we are dealing with in that part of the world. One has to wonder why this guy had such information in the first place? How did he get it ? Was it leaked or was it another intelligence blunder ? Clearly he must have some ties with Iran and should be investigated as to his motives.

by ZZ Staff | 6/02/2004 08:55:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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